

  • SERTA-Group - Key Account Manager
  • ingénieur commercial

La Roche-sur-Yon

En résumé

SERTA-GROUP - France (2019-Now) :
Sales Manager for SERTA-Group, I am based in western France in the Sales & Marketing department to develop key customers worldwide.
Formerly Project Manager for SERTA-Group, I worked in the NPI department (New Product Introduction) to define and lead projects in the North American region as well as several countries in Europe.

--- Professional Background

PACK'R NORTH AMERICA - United States (2016-2019) :
Project Manager & Territory Sales Engineer for Pack'R North America, I was based in Atlanta, GA to define and lead projects in this world region.
I first started as project manager / customer service engineer to develop the local business along with supporting the local team. I also had the opportunity to prove my technical and communication skills on several sales in North and Central America.

TETRA PAK - France/Mexico (2013-2016) :
Project Manager Junior for Tetra Pak Guerin Systems, I learned how to manage significant project for food and non-food industries. In Europe and abroad.
I have been managed by senior project and operation managers to become an international project manager, strong of PMI tools ; management, technical and communication skills.

--- Education
ICAM Vendée is an Engineering University specialized in mechanical, management and industrial organizations. I have been studying engineering thanks to a sandwich course model, that allowed me entering the world of work through a 50/50 system from 2013 to 2016. I also had the opportunity to work few months in Monterrey Mexico in 2014 and study 'Spanish for business' classes in IQS Barcelona Spain for a part of 2015 fall semester.

--- Professional project
Develop strong management skills through significant projects and sales, in order to reach global businesses overview, based on diverse and rich industrial experiences.
Finding passion and excitment in my job, working for a company that will guarantee the right balance between my engineering work and personal life.


  • SERTA-Group - Key Account Manager - Ingénieur commercial

    Commercial | La Roche-sur-Yon (85000) 2024 - maintenant Nantes Area, FRANCE

    SERTA-Group, european leader in hydraulic cylinders & solutions, and one key supplier to our loyal customers worldwide.

    As manufacturer of high-quality hydraulics, SERTA-Group provides value and safety to the global market with products, services and solutions designed with an eye on environmental responsibilities and innovations.

    Agriculture, building and public work, material handling, aeroportal or railroad vehicules, maritime and transportation applications, mining, forestry or even solar field of industries ; SERTA-Group has a wide range of products to always better fit our customer needs.

    High technologies such as intelligent sensing, fine cushioning, memory positioning etc.. are at our customers disposal, implemented and prototyped in SERTA-Group expertise centers.

    My job overview :
    - Sales management (>30M$)
    - Prospection plans and operations
    - APQP Group deployment/management
  • SERTA-Group - Project Manager

    Technique | La Roche-sur-Yon (85000) 2019 - 2024 Nantes Area, FRANCE

    SERTA-Group, european leader in hydraulic cylinders, and one key supplier to our loyal customers worldwide.

    As manufacturer of high-quality hydraulics, SERTA-Group provides value and safety to the global market with products, services and solutions designed with an eye on environmental responsibilities and innovations.

    Agriculture, building and public work, material handling, aeroportal or railroad vehicules, maritime and transportation applications, mining, forestry or even solar field of industries ; SERTA-Group has a wide range of products to always better fit our customer needs.

    High technologies such as intelligent sensing, fine cushioning, memory positioning etc.. are at our customers disposal, implemented and prototyped in SERTA-Group expertise centers.

    My job overview :
    - Project management (>10M$)
    - Sales technical support
    - APQP Group deployment/management
  • PACK'R North America - Project Manager - North America

    Technique | BEAUCOUZE 2016 - 2019 Atlanta, GA - USA

    PACK'R Group is specialized in designing and manufacturing filling and capping machines for liquid and viscous products. This company is a key supplier for the design and supply of complete filling lines.
    Thanks to its international location, more than 1200 PACK’R machines and turnkey lines are installed throughout the world mainly focused on Chemical industry due to their ATEX / Explosion proof specificity.

    My job position overview in the US :
    - Project Management
    - Sales Management (> $ 1M USD)
    - Customer Technical Support
  • Tetra Pak - Site Manager Assistant

    Technique | Colombes 2014 - 2014 Monterrey NL - Mexico

    Tetra Pak - Guerin Systems
    Management Staff :
    - Gestion du planning projet
    - Gestion du planning ressources sur site
    - Mise en place d'outils de management
    - Relation Client
    - Relation Fournisseurs (+ de 130 personnes)
    - Organisation Workshop
    - Organisation Shipments
    - Rédaction de documents officiels (FR/EN)
    - Ouverture culturelle
    - Anglais/Espagnol pratiqués quotidiennement
  • Tetra Pak - Junior Project Manager

    Technique | Colombes 2013 - 2016 Le May Sur Evre - France

    - Projects Management (> 600k€): Studies & installation of production lines, powder handling processes
    - Project co-driving (> 500k€): German project as project engineer junior, other countries: consideration of specific constraints / Studies & installation of production lines, powder handling processes
    - Risk assessment: Project – ATEX – Hygienic – Machine
    - Requirements respect: Standards CE / USDA, Food compliant design, according to customer specifications
  • ICAM - Ecole d'ingénieur - Technicien / Ingénieur

    2013 - 2013 Retrofit d'une machine de sérigraphie dans le cadre du projet BTS proposé à l'ICAM Vendée :

    - Élaboration d’un cahier des charges
    - Gestion de plannings et budget
    - Relation Client/Fournisseur
    - Responsable réalisation
  • Nexteer Automotive - Stagiaire Ingénieur / Engineer Internship

    Villepinte 2012 - 2012 Benchmarking Technique

    - Etude de technologies nouvelles
    - Développement d’une aisance en anglais sur le vocabulaire technique industriel
    - Organisation de meetings de présentation de l’étude Français/Anglais
    - Création d’un argumentaire solide pour l’externalisation de l’étude aux US
  • AELA - Petit Bois Chauvigné - MEJ - Maison de quartier du Lac de Maine - Animateur toutes tranches d'âges confondus

    2010 - 2013 Animations en centres de loisirs et colonies de vacances durant les vacances scolaires, à partir de l'obtention du BAFA.

    - Animateur
    - Remplacement directeur / Assistant de direction
  • FFBB - Arbitre Officiel de Basketball

    2008 - 2011 Arbitrage de matchs de Basketball masculins et féminins :

    - Niveau Départemental - Seniors
    - Niveau Régional - Benjamins / Cadets / Juniors


  • Universitat Ramon Llull, IQS, Barcelona (Barcelona)

    Barcelona 2015 - 2015 Master of Engineering (ME)

    Barcelona - Spain

    Spanish for business courses
  • ICAM Vendée

    La Roche Sur Yon 2011 - 2016 Ingénieur Généraliste ICAM

    La Roche Sur Yon - France

  • Familles Rurales Fédération Régionale Des Pays De La Loire

    Angers 2009 - 2010 Brevet d'Aptitude à la Fonction d'Animateur

    Spécialisation :
    - Adolescents en France ou à l'étranger
  • La Baronnerie

    Saint Sylvain D'Anjou 2008 - 2011 BAC STI Génie Electrotechnique

    - Mention Très Bien
  • Lycée Notre Dame De Bonnes Nouvelles

    Beaupreau 2007 - 2008 Seconde générale et technologique


Annuaire des membres :