I am an economic geologist hired at the Direction of Georesources of BRGM in 2009 after a PhD in geochronology. I lead and take part to in-house and collaborative research projects related to critical metals metallogeny and development of exploration methods, and projects dedicated to new investigations on the French mining potential. I am also involved in several projects at the European level. I am co-supervisor of three PhD theses (Kevin Fréville, ISTO; Loïs Monnier and Gaetan Link, GET). I am associated editor of the Géochronique journal (journal of geosciences outreach coedited by the Société Géologique de France and BRGM). I authored 13 peer-reviewed articles (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jeremie_Melleton ). Since May 2016, I am also secretary of the French Geological Society.
Mes compétences :
Vulgarisation scientifique
Montage de projet
Gestion de projet