


En résumé

Astronomer specialized in meteor science ; forecasting of meteor shower for the protection of space probes for CNES, ESA, NASA, JAXA, CNRS ; organizer of observation campaign (ground & airborne based)

Mes compétences :


  • IMCCE - Organizer of the first European airborne observation campaign: 2011 Draconids

    2010 - 2011 First European airborne meteor observation campaign: 2011 Draconids.

    Raised the equivalent of €84,000 to fly a CNRS research aircraft (Falcon 20) for the observation of the 2011 Draconids meteor outburst (a unique event!). Motivated and helped international colaborators to raise similar funds to fly an equivalent aircraft belonging to the German DLR. Coordinated the whole mission, involving six researchers, 10 crew members and dozens of ground-based crewmember. Motivated public outreach by involving CNRS and the Japanese NHK TV reporters.
  • Observatoire de Paris - Astronome

    Casablanca 2009 - 2012 CAmera for BEtter Resolution NETwork (CABERNET) project: Create the first official meteoroid streams and meteor showers ephemeris server in the world.
    Purpose: provide the international community with the ephemeris of meteoroid streams in the whole Solar system and the associated meteor shower on every planet ; provide consulting expertise for space agencies regarding meteoroid threat for artificial satellites
    Role: PI of the whole project. Successfully applied to grants (+400k€) used to set up a network of meteor cameras in France ; invited Dr P. Atreya and Dr Rudawska and hired Dr Bouley as a post-doc over at IMCCE for one year.
    Impact: protect the artificial satellites, coordinate remote and local observation of meteor showers on Earth and on other planets
    Results: Forecasting of a dozen of meteor showers on Earth, Mars and Venus; coordination of ground, airborne and space observations of meteor showers; creation of the IMCCE meteor server pages at: http://www.imcce.fr
    see also : http://www.imcce.fr/langues/en/ephemerides/phenomenes/meteor/

    Project: Create a pole of Earth environment (PoDET) in France
    Purpose: provide France with near Earth object orbit expertise as well as any object in the vicinity of the Earth (meteoroids, debris)
    Role: Scientific manager: define the general politic of the project, participate in the development, stimulate the exchanges with other organizations
    Results: definition and development with the project leader of the tools to communicate with automated telescope (ongoing)
  • National Astronomical Observatory of Japan - Invited researcher

    2009 - 2010 Project: Comparative study of different methods of meteor shower forecasting (in collaboration with J. Watanabe and M. Sato)
    Purpose: To develop the latest method to perform meteor shower forecasting, 10 years after the last update
    Impact: explanation of the under-observed 2009 Leonid meteor shower ; outlining of international cooperation and multi-wavelength observations of meteor showers.
  • California Institute of Technology - Post-doc

    2006 - 2008 Project: Study of cometary trails as observed by the Spitzer Space Telescope, in collaboration with B. Reach
    Purpose: To determine the amount of large (mm to cm-size) natural particles ejected by broken comets by using Spitzer infrared observations of 73P, potentially dangerous for artificial satellites
    Impact: Constraining the population of large (mm-size) cometary particles undetectable by any other observations
    Compute the density of particles along the orbit of the comet
    Forecasting the 2007 Aurigids and 2008 Quadrantids events; Participation to the observation campaign (2 Astronomy Picture Of the Day)
    see also: http://web.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/vaubaill/index.html
  • University of Western Ontario - Post-doc

    2005 - 2005 Project: The meteor showers at Earth and Mars, in collaboration with P. Brown and P. Wiegert
    Purpose: Determine the origin of several meteor showers, comets and asteroids; Protect the Deep Impact spacecraft; Plan the first dedicated meteor observations from another planet
    Impact: Explained the 2005 Draconids event; Showed that Phaethon can be of cometary origin; Determine the meteoritic environment of comet 9P/Tempel 1 and the consequences for the Deep Impact spacecraft
    Prediction of a meteor shower at Mars caused by comet P/2001R1 and coordination of meteor observations by the Martian rover "Spirit"
  • SETI Institute - Invited researcher

    2004 - 2004 Project: The meteor showers at Earth for the coming 50 years, in collaboration with P. Jenniskens
    Purpose: To have the most complete view of the coming meteor showers in order to plan in advance future observation missions and alert all space agencies
    Impact: Active contribution to the book: “Meteor showers and their parent bodies”: providing the forecasting for the coming 50 years
    Participation to the Genesis reentry observation campaign
  • Laboratoire de robotique de paris - Stagiaire

    1999 - 2000


  • Observatoire De Paris OBSPM (Paris)

    Paris 2000 - 2003 PhD

    dynamics of meteoroid streams and application to the prediction of meteor showers on Earth: the 2002 Leonids


Annuaire des membres :