2015 - maintenantSens est une agence créative qui permet aux startups d’expliquer leurs nouveaux concepts à travers un storytelling et une production de haute qualité.
Sens donne vie à la vision originelle des entrepreneurs en créant des contenus vidéo engageants au ton décalé
- International Publisher Manager
2012 - 2013About Rightster
Rightster operates and manages the world’s fastest growing digital distribution, marketing and monetisation network, connecting global media rights owners, online video publishers and media agencies, providing the visibility and control required to optimise the commercial value of online video.
Rightster provides a “connect once - distribute to many” solution that allows rights holders to extend the reach of their live and pre-recorded video content to audiences globally via all the leading online media destinations, branded portals, social networking sites, connected TV/gaming platforms and specialist blogs.
On YouTube, Rightster currently manages over 350 channels on behalf of our clients and regularly features in the ComScore top ten YouTube Partner Channels ranking in both the US and the UK.
Rightster is the exclusive digital distribution partner for major rights owners and media firms such as the UK’s largest news provider – ITN, sports news specialist – SNTV, renowned UK newspaper – The Guardian, major premium global sports rights owner – MP & Silva and international media giant – IMG.
video distribution, content aggregation, content finance, syndication, live streaming
Goviral London
- International Publisher Manager
2010 - 2012goviral distributes branded content in digital environments in order to create a unique online presence for brands. The idea is to take advantage of the inherent power of the internet and user's networks to launch branded content campaigns in the right surroundings where users are interested in engaging with the brand.
Our global Seed & Track solution and goviral network helps marketers reach people globally in more than 80 countries. In all countries we distribute content based campaigns on local languages, on local sites and with local publishers. We bring branded content such as commercials, games, widgets etc. to places where people meet on the internet - creating high-volume, targeted and cost-effective branding campaigns.
- Professeur d'anglais
Paris2008 - 2009Soutien scolaire en anglais
Société SPCL
- Stagiare VRP SPCL- France loisirs (Bertelsmann)
2007 - 2007Stage au centre de la force commerciale de France Loisirs
Société ACAD
- Animateur des ventes en Grande Surface Spécialisé
2006 - 2007Conseiller la clientèle, fournir des devis, ventes de produits
Niels Brock Copenhagen Business School (Copenhagen)