MongoDB is the world's most popular next-generation database that enables businesses to transform their industries by harnessing the power software and data. The world’s most sophisticated organizations, from cutting-edge startups to the largest multi-national companies, use MongoDB to create modern applications never before possible at a fraction of the cost of legacy databases. MongoDB is the fastest-growing database ecosystem, with over 10 million downloads, thousands of customers, and over 1,000 technology and service partners.
As Corporate Account Executive for France and Belgium,
I help companies getting the best from MongoDB Technology and support them in their IT projects from A to Z.
If you want to know how I can help you, please feel free to contact me :
Email :
Phone number : +33 (0)1 82 88 16 66 extension : 7709
****Views are my own and not that of MongoDB****
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Marketing opérationnel & direct
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