


En résumé

Engineer, Ph.D., in vibro-acoustics specialized in Non Destructive Testing and Structural Health Monitoring.


  • Olympus - Scientific Project Lead

    RUNGIS Cedex 2018 - maintenant
  • Groupe d'Acoustique de l'Université de Sherbrooke - Postdoctoral Fellowship

    2015 - maintenant Studying the robustness of various Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) methods on composite materials used in the aerospatial industry.

    This postdoc is conducted by a partnership between :
    - Group of Acoustics of the University of Sherbrooke (GAUS)
    - ESEO / LAUM (Angers, France).
  • VIBRATEAM - Consultant engineer in ground-borne noise & vibration

    ECULLY 2014 - 2014 At SYSTRA Company - Department of Innovation, I realized the ground-borne noise & vibration assistance (about $ 1.35 million budget project) of the Grand Paris Project (extension of the Metro network of Paris by 200 km), under the responsibility of the project manager.

    - produce guidelines of technical studies in groundborne noise & vibration,
    - give technical advise to the project owner (Société du Grand Paris),
    - specify and supervise studies realised by subcontractors (by writing specifications, following on-site measurements, collecting and critically analysing study reports),
    - collect and analyse data measurement (with MATLAB),
    - develop a prediction tool (with MATLAB) of groundborne noise and vibration level on surrounding structures (taking into account the source modeling, the vibration transmission into the ground and the ground-structure interraction).
  • CEA / Areva - Ph.D. student

    2010 - 2013 Ph. D in Mechanics, specialize in Acoustics & Structural Vibrations – Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), France.

    ASTRID project (Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration) is the development of a French 4th generation SFR nuclear reactor.

    As part of this project, my work was to develop a structural vibration monitoring system able to detect and localize an acoustic source consecutive to a leak in a steam generator of a Fast Sodium Reactor.
    This Ph.D was conducted at the Laboratoire Vibrations-Acoustique of the National Institute of Applied Science of Lyon (INSA-Lyon, France) in partnership with Areva company.

    - Product the state of the art of the detection and localization tools in vibro-acoustics,
    - Develop a new method, and product a numerical model for testing it (with MATLAB),
    - Design a mock-up for validating the method (budget: $ 150k) in partnership with the technical centre of Areva (Le Creusot, France),
    - Do the measurment campaign (with a 50-accelerometers array, Pulse B&K acquisition system and LabShop software),
    - Teach acoustics and vibration at INSA-Lyon in Master’s degree.

    Scientific communication :
    - Leading meetings with public and private partners of the project
    - Redaction of technical notes and scientific papers
    - Presentation of the method at international congresses (Euronoise 2012 (Praha, Czech Republic), ANIMMA 2013 (Marseille, France)

    • J. Moriot et al, Use of beamforming for detecting an acoustic source inside a cylindrical shell filled with a heavy fluid, Mechanical System and Signal Processing.
    • J. Moriot et al, Experimental results of passive vibro-acoustic leak detection in SFR steam generator mock-up, proceedings of ANIMMA 2013, Marseille, France.
    • J. Moriot, L. Maxit and, J-L. Guyader, Detection and localization of a leak in a sodium fast reactor steam generator by vibration measurements, proceedings of EURONOISE 2012, Praha, Czech Republic.
  • The Catholic University of America - Vitreous State Lab. - Internship, research engineer in nuclear waste vitrification

    2010 - 2010 Research engineer in nuclear wastes vitrification – Vitreous State Laboratory, the Catholic University of America, Washington DC, USA.

    For the Department of Energy, as part of the Hanford Site law activity waste vitrification project, under the responsibility of the project manager, I had to:
    - Develop the strategy of Tc99 retention improvement during the vitrification process,
    - Perform scale tests in laboratory,
    - Perform gama spectroscopy measurements of radioactive samples (Genie 2K),
    - Analyse the results and write technical notes.


  • Grenoble INP / ENSEEE

    Grenoble 2008 - 2010 Master's degree

    Mechanics, fluid mechanics, automatics, signal treatment, electrotechnics, thermohydraulics, nuclear energy engineering, project management, scientific communication
  • Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (Nice)

    Nice 2004 - 2007 Bachelor's degree

    All fields of physics


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