Mes compétences :
Mechanical design
Mechanical engineering
Microsoft Office
Internal Audit
Fluid Mechanics
C Programming Language
- Mechanical engineer
2013 - 2013Training period as a mechanical engineer at A2EP/ROCHE (French-Canadian
Engineering Consultant Unit):
* Sizing a pipeline which supplies a coal plant with raw water ;
* Studying the fire prevention by sprinklers of a sulfur storage ;
* Studying the impact of a spate on a concrete cistern and on a HDPE cistern ;
* Designing a baseboard for the masonry of the refining furnaces.
- Mechanical engineer
2013 - 2013Stage en tant que chargé d'étude.
Principaux projets réalisés:
• Dimensionnement d’un plancher pour la mise en place de briques réfractaires des fours pour l’affinage du ferronickel,
• Dimensionnement d’un plancher pour le retrait de briques réfractaires des fours à fusion,
• Réalisation d’un réseau de tuyauterie servant à apporter de l’eau brute à une centrale à charbon,
• Réalisation d’un réseau de tuyauterie pour la protection à incendie avec sprinklers.
Polytech Lyon
- Design engineer
2012 - 2013: Shell Eco-marathon project: sizing and designing of a high energy efficiency vehicle:
* Writing the specifications ;
* Sizing and designing the vehicle.
Polytech Lyon
- Mechanical designer
2012 - 2013Shell Eco-marathon project: sizing and designing of a high energy efficiency vehicle:
* Writing the specifications ;
* Sizing and designing the vehicle.
- Process technician
Paris Cedex 2012 - 2012Training period as a process technician at Société Le Nickel-SLN subsidiary of French
metallurgical Eramet firm:
* Carrying out an internal audit which had me identify the problematic and ensure the
production of oxygen and nitrogen to face the plant's needs.
FCI Automotive
- Factory operator
2011 - 2011* Assuring both the production and the packaging of the contacts.