InterCity relocation consulting - Partenaire de votre stratégie mobilité.
Nous travaillons main dans la main avec les Ressources Humaines, mais assistons également les particuliers dans leurs projets d’acquisition, de location, que ce soit en vue d’un investissement ou dans le cadre d’un changement de cadre de vie
InterCity relocation consulting spécialiste de la gestion globale de la mobilité nationale et internationale.
Expertise en coordination de solutions adaptées pour l’installation de vos cadres dirigeants.
InterCity relocation consulting, c’est une équipe dédiée, dynamique et multiculturelle qui met à votre service des prestations sur mesure.
Des formalités d’immigration à la recherche de logement locatif, à l'achat ou encore jusqu’à l’assistance shopping.
InterCity relocation consulting s’appuie sur un réseau de professionnels établi au fil des expériences partagées, garant d’une flexibilité, d’une transparence et d’une qualité d’écoute qui sauront vous apporter des solutions personnalisées. ou 06 09 48 49 02 ou 01 60 28 00 86
Spécialités :
Chasse Immobilière,
Air Port pick-up,
Tour d'Orientation,
Recherche Scolaire,
Recherche Logement - location ou achat
'Revente à Prix Garantie',
Recherche Parking,
Assistance Installation & Shopping,
Location Mobilier & Électroménager,
Organisation travaux d’embellissement,
Gestion Immobilière,
Un Soutien Continu,
Location ou Achat de véhicule,
Échange Permis de Conduire,
Enregistrement Local,
Inscription CPAM & Allocations Familiales,
Coaching Interculturel & Cours de Langue,
Accompagnement Conjoint,
Assistance Départ,
Devis & Organisation du Déménagement
InterCity relocation consulting, your Professional Global Destination Provider.
Remit: Let InterCity relocation care about finding the Right Home and the Right School for your Excutive Corporate families.
Area: France & Worldwide.
A human sized independant company, with sense of a personalized approach, with attention to detail, supplying high quality relocation services.
InterCity relocation consulting do not compromise with quality.
An enthusiastic, experienced, carefully selected multiculturel team, offering a tailored approach to each individuals’ needs through a caring and professional service.
We provide expertise in the management and coordination of adapted solutions guaranteed to meeting your executive and corporate clients’ expectations.
InterCity relocation consulting relies on a professional network established in the course of years of shared experiences.
We do not impose solutions, but makes a point of listening attentively, in order to satisfy each customer’s needs, and strive to make a difference.
Our Commitment:
InterCity relocation consulting takes advantage of its solid experience and capabilities to ensure that the expatriate experience of your employees is an enriching, unforgettable and positive experience for the whole accompanying family.
For InterCity relocation consulting, the ultimate goal is Highly Satisfied Customers
We provide cost effective and all round installation coordination so that your client can devote himself to his new professional challenge immediately upon arrival.
Customized solutions:
Because every customer is unique, we supply flexible solutions to address your client’s specific requirements.
InterCity relocation consulting offers ‘Packages’, ‘à la Carte’ services, as well as tailored global mobility solutions.
For any further information or quote, please kindly contact us at : or +33 (0)6 09 48 49 02 or +33 1 60 28 00 86
House Hunting,
Air Port pick-up,
Orientation Tour,
School Registration,
Home Search
Guaranteed Buyout Home Sale,
Parking Search,
Settling-In & Shop.. and much more
Mes compétences :
Démarches administratives
Executive Search
Formation interculturelle
Ressources humaines
Pas de formation renseignée