


En résumé

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  • Groupe Camelin - IT Manager

    2017 - maintenant
  • IDEALEC S.A.S - Methods Engineer

    2014 - maintenant - ERP Sage X3 Administrator: Configuration of the system by department and piloting the integration of new features (Declaration of operations with barcodes for the production, followed by serial numbers), user training and formalizing procedures. Control and regulation based on production orders.

    - Labels Manager: Creation of QR code / data matrix, consolidation of databases and automatic printing labels from ERP, installing barcodes reader in the company.

    - Control of ranges and parts list of products, check reality and modification with timing of operations.

    - Creating a real-time planning tool to coordinate the different stations of production (With Excel).

    - Development of Lean Manufacturing: improvement of inter-process packaging, implementation of 5S.

    - Participation in the project of a new bending machine: Research needs, visit suppliers (Switzerland, Germany, Belgium), presentation and decision making.
  • NHBS - Leonardo Da Vinci Program

    2013 - 2013 - Reorganisation of available equipment and modification of locations in the warehouse.
  • IDEALEC S.A.S - Apprentice Engineer - Methods Department

    2011 - 2014 - Research of insertion stations: Audit operators, parts flow analysis, identification of problems, search for solutions, validation of the budget and presentation to directors, rearranging of insertion machines and development of improvements : Creation of an ergonomic table, remove 5 mudas operations and dematerialisation of instructions.

    - Project leader for relocation and organisation of the prototype workshop, improving production time qualifying parts. Reduced travel by 40% (parts and technicians).

    - Creation and development of a cutting station in the company.
  • IDEALEC S.A.S - Trainee in a design office

    2011 - 2011 - Creation of a spreadsheet with features and estimations of price components.

    - Updating of costing tool for customer requests.



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