"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein
Previous experience at Gemplus R&D France and China.
Then achieving a post-engineer degree of one year at HEC Paris (Information Systems Management).
Worked for 5 years as a Consultant in Information Systems Management at Solucom, Paris. I addressed missions focused on topics like management assistance, project management, Programme Management Office, processes optimization, IT marketing...
In between I drew a startup as a free time activity for gaining some experience in mobile apps field & webserver dev and admin.
I joined EDF (main French - and worldwide - electricity company) in 2011, at the bridge between business and IT as internal consultant and I am now responsible for the Trading Floor Information System.
My competencies:
- Field: SEPA - Single Euro Payment Area, Corporate Treasury & finance, Trading floor
- Core: Computer Sciences, Information, Systems, Information Systems Governance, Project & Programme Management
- Other: Technical (smart-phone applications, web server architecture & administration, databases, Linux, network)
Mes compétences :
Systèmes d'Information
Gestion de projet
Project management
Chef de projet
Finance de marché