Paris2010 - 2012‐ Manufacturers documentations review (SB, SIL, OIT, ...)
‐ Check and validation of engineering analysis performed by technical department
‐ Part 21 DOA local modifications focal point
‐ Evaluation and approval of Maintenance Safety Reports & Technical Incident Reports
‐ Technical Project Manager for cabin modification, EFB, CDSS, Flex T/O, etc... (Cabin, EFB, CDSS, Flex take‐Off)
‐ Project Manager for aircraft technical acceptance: 737‐500 physical inspections, records review, recovery, fleet integration)
‐ Technical On‐Duty Manager
Air Méditerranée
- Airworthiness and planning
Paris2007 - 2010‐ Continue airworthiness on Airbus A321 & Boeing 737
‐ Technical and Customer representative during aircrafts checks
‐ Statuses preparation & review for airworthiness certificate renewal (AD and SB statuses, CFM56‐3 AD & LLP statuses)
‐ Engineering on ATAs: 21, 23, 25, 28, 29, 31, 34, 35, 36, 38
‐ Assigned to integration of the first Air Méditerranée’s Boeing (aircraft inspection, records review, bridging check, ...)
‐ Cabins condition daily follow‐up: inspections, troubleshooting, parts ordering, VIP campaigns preparation, LOPAs modification follow‐up, budget follow‐up, seats contracts management and suppliers warranty claims.
‐ On‐logs and engines SB statuses preparation for CFM56‐5A / 5B