I’ m an engineer specialized in biological engineering graduated from the National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology in 2007, with grade pass: “very good”. I had obtained my master degree special field: "Industrial Biotechnology", with grade pass: “very good”, in 2008. From September 2009 until now, I’m pH-D student at the National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology INSAT-Tunisia, special field: "biological engineering" led by Professor Moktar HAMDI, working on the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to produce bioethanol second generation. In fact, I’m member of the Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology, INSAT-Tunis; having a research field which is based on engineering methods, in order to serve many sectors, such as: chemical, pharmaceutical, nutrition, fermented food, production of cell metabolites, environmental protection, bioprocess of cleanup: aerobic and anaerobic digestion, bio-valorization and biofuels. Actually, during my doctoral thesis, I had done many research stays in European university, especially: University of Reims (France); University of Cádiz (Spain); the French institute of fuel IFP-Energies Nouvelles (Paris, France) and the University of Jaén (Spain). Moreover, I had done many training in famous industries, such as: the Tunisian Company for pharmaceutical Industries "SIPHAT"; "Aventis Pharma” company and the Tunisian company for food industry (STIAL) "Délice-Danone ". Furthermore, I’m the 1st author for 2 Spanish patents dealing with bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass. I had also participated to international symposium and days, in Tunisia and in Europe dealing with biotechnology, Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Wastes and Energy Crops; and Energy from Biomass and Waste; respectively by poster and oral communications. I’m also an IWWG member and active member in MENARB regional branch. From September 2013 till now, my pedagogical activities are dealing with: environment control and risk management; energy from biomass; bioremediation by microorganisms; methods of innovation “Patent writing”; valorization of phyto-resources; respectively at the National Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology INSAT-Tunis-Tunisia; the High Institute of Environmental Science and Technology-HIEST-of Borj Cedria-Tunisia and at the Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Beja-ISBB-Tunisia. Besides, I had supervised many end of studies projects for engineering graduation in the field of environment and bioenergy. In July 2014 and November 2014, I was an Alumni of VIU and obtained two certification respectively in « Sustainable landfilling and final sink » and « Anaerobic Digestion: processes, technology, design and research advancements » from the Sustainable Waste Management International Academy SWAMIA with the collaboration of Venice International University VIU & University of Padua UP & International Waste Working Group IWWG. Moreover, I was reviewing some book proposals with the publisher "Elsevier".
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projets
Développement durable
Yoga du rire