


En résumé

Ayant dans mon actif 22 ans d'expérience dans la Banque, BIAT (6 ans), ABC Bank ( 5 ans), et depuis 2004, 10 ans à l'UIB, je peux confirmer que je maîtrise le marché Corporate en Tunisie.
Courant ces 11 dernières années à l’UIB, j’ai développé avec mon équipe la base clients grandes entreprises ainsi que les encours crédits ayant une très bonne qualité de risque.
Mes efforts ont été focalisés sur le développement des relations avec les principaux grands groupes privés Tunisiens, les entreprises multinationales installées en Tunisie et les entreprises étatiques ayant un besoin de financement structuré et en trade finance.

Cette stratégie commerciale a été supportée par le développement des synergies avec le groupe SG et ses filiales sur la partie Coverage, sur les métiers de la Banque de Financement & d’Investissement et du Global Transaction Banking (Flux Trade, Flux activité salle des marchés et Cash Management).
La mise en œuvre de cette stratégie est traduite par une animation au quotidien d’une équipe de Chargés d’Affaires GE répartis sur Tunis, Sousse et Sfax.

Par ailleurs, en tant que Directeur de la BFI, je suis en charge de développer la banque d’affaires au sein de UIB avec le support de SG CIB, qui porte principalement sur l’activité Conseil ( M & A ; Conseil en stratégie financière et recherche de partenaires en haut de bilan) ; Financement Structuré et Activité de Marché (Hedging taux, matière première et conseil en émission obligataire souveraine).

Mes compétences :
Business strategy
Corporate finance
Team mangement


  • UIB-Groupe Société Générale - Head of Large Corporate & Investment Banking

    2004 - maintenant - Head of Large Corporate Department (Team Management of Relationship Managers).
    - Head of Corporate Investment Banking: Structured Export Finance, Project Finance Loan, LBO\MBO Credit Acquisition, Upgrade Business Program Loan, Corporate Finance Loan, in different sectors : food, pharmaceutical, mechanical, electrical industries, aeronautics, Oil & Gas,…, FX, Commodity Hedging for Corporates, Advisory, Push on Sovereign Hedges to hedge the cost of subsidies on Fuel or Ags (Wheat, Sugar), Develop the Sovereign DCM as a first step to facilitate the access for corporates and financial institutions at a following stage,
    - Responsible development of synergies in Africa (SGCIB - Push Africa Strategy)
    - Contact with international financial institutions, BIRD, EIB, PORPACO,….

    - Progressive responsibility for building a portfolio of multinational companies in Tunisia and top large corporate Tunisian companies,
    - Elaboration of commercial dash board using for monitoring relationship manager portfolio activities ad performances,
    - Elaboration of dash board and several alerts risks statements for the new Global Banking Information System of the Bank “Delta Banking”,
    - Establishment the QM approach (Head of Quality Management Committee),
    - Elaboration of Business Plan in order to develop in Tunisia the market of multinational and foreign companies in UIB – SG Tunisia,
    - Team management, training and supervision of relationship manager and middle office credit analyst
    - Director Coverage Committee,
    - Led team in Corporate Investment Banking policy assessment and strategy formulation in UIB.
    - Led team in Global Transaction Banking in UIB,
    - Coordinated advisory support for specific transactions with SG group.
    - Training of sales force team to risk management as part of the implementation of SG credit policy of the SG group and the Tunisian banking regulations – RBO, RWA, CVaR.
  • Arab Banking Corporation - Head of Branch (Off Shore & On Shore)

    Manama 1999 - 2004 Head of the main Branch (headquarter) - Off Shore & On Shore Unit.

    - Permanent member in ONISYS Project committee (On Shore Information System), choice of the IS Global Banking for ABC Tunisia and selection of the suppliers,
    - Project Chief « Retail Project », Elaboration of terms sheets of the commercial banking network system.
    - Member of credit committee, Organization and Marketing committees,
    - Active participation in the elaboration of the manual guide line and procedure of ABC Tunisia,
    - Active participation in the conception of bank’s form and products,
    - Elaboration of the job description for retail manager and branches employees,
    - Recruitment of branch employees,
    - Training of the employees and relationship managers,
    - Starting of the first main Branch of ABC Bank in Tunisia (On Shore unit),
    - Project Chief « Commercial Banking » of ABC Millennium Project (Development of Retail Banking activities)
    - Elaboration of terms sheets for conception the Retail branches building. (Development market strategy with the collaboration of A & Co company)
    - Implementation of ABC group credit policy for private client and SME and its adaptation to Tunisian regulations,
    - Implementation of Private and Corporate Business Plan for ABC Tunis, Sfax, Sousse and Nabeul Branch.
    - Conception and application of the commercial banking tools for ABC Tunisia network.
    - Many reports and market studies that I have managed, Benchmarking of private and consumer loan in Tunisia (august 2003)
    - Conception of several banking and services products.
    - Participation in the national project « Competence Reference Banking System » with the collaboration and the supervision of EUROGROUPE
    - Definition and application of the Management Information System per branch activities
  • BIAT - Credit Analyst- Relationship Manager

    Tunis 1993 - 1999 - Relationship Manager Al Djazira Branch (July 1995, Oct. 1999)
    - Acting head of several BIAT Branches

    - Remedial Loan Manager. (April 1995, July 1995)

    - Credit Risk Manager of Tunis Region (Control of 17 Branches) (March 1994 – April 1995)

    - Credit Analyst Manager (Corporate Finance) (July 1993 – March 1994)

    - Training period in one of the BIAT Branch ( 4 months)


  • IFID (Tunis)

    Tunis 2008 - 2009 Certificat Métier

  • Groupe ISCAE (Casablanca)

    Casablanca 1989 - 1992 Grande Ecole de Commerce

  • ISCAE (Casablanca)

    Casablanca 1988 - 1992 Finances


Annuaire des membres :