
Karthik Krishna ANANTH


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Catia V5
Ansys workbench
Microsoft Office
Méthode des éléments finis
Bureau d'études
Matériaux composites


  • Michelin - Intern - Engineer R&D Truck Tires

    FERRAND 2014 - 2014 Finite Element Modeling & Simulation for anticipating problems and optimize fabrication.
    with the following objectives :
    - to design tire and its various layers (using CATIA).
    - to mesh various layers and simulate the tire fabrication process using FEM software (Ansys).
    - to validate the simulation tool to solve the problems pertaining to quality and
    - to validate the simulation tool to eliminate unnecessary steps in fabrication and reduce production cost.
  • ECOMEF - Project partnering ECOMEF, Clermont-Ferrand, France

    2013 - 2014 Finite Element Modeling (using Abaqus & Ansys) of delimbing a tree branch using a forest harvester.
  • Michelin - Intern - Assistant Engineer

    FERRAND 2013 - 2013 Industrial Rubber Technology - Computer Aided Instructions
    - Knowledge Management
    - Project Management
    - Validation & Release of the document to different Geographic Zones.

    Results achieved:
    - Excellent output, quality of work & client satisfaction (One of the company values)
    - Adherence to planning & schedule (One of the company values)
    - Awarded & Recognized by Michelin.
  • Atelier industriel de l'aéronautique clermont ferrand - Finite Element Modeling & Analysis of reparation of composite Materials in French Warcrafts.

    2012 - 2013 - Study & Bibligraphy on composite repairs
    - Understanding & Simplification of problems.
    - Finite element modeling of composites using ANSYS.
    - Resolution using different scenarios, methods etc.
    - Technical report on the analysis presented to the company


  • Instituitçais De Mécanique Avancée

    Aubiere 2012 - 2014 Masters Degree (Diplôme d’ingénieur)

    Domaine : Structures et Mécaniques des Matériaux (Advanced Materials & Structures)

    - Finite Element Analysis
    - Reliability Analysis
    - Optimization of Structures
    - Uncertainity Analysis (Probabilistic Approach)

    - Composite Materials, SMART Materials, Visco-elastic & plastic Materials etc...
  • CADD Centre Training Service

    Coimbatore 2010 - 2012 Professional in Product Design

    Catia, Pro/E, Ansys
  • Anna University (Coimbatore)

    Coimbatore 2007 - 2011 Bachelor of Engineering

    Domain: Mechanical Engineering
    (First Class with Distinction)


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