


En résumé

Trilingual profile with high international exposure, recently graduated with an MSc in Management (programme grande école) from EM Lyon Business School (Top3 French Business Schools / EQUIS, Associations of MBAs and AACSB accreditations).

Advanced understanding of financial analysis and modeling, business strategy and transactional processes, with a focus on biotechnologies and real estate, through two years of significant experiences in consulting and investment banking.

Mes compétences :
Spécifications fonctionnelles
Stratégie d'entreprise
Corporate finance
Évaluation d'entreprise
Excel avancé
Financial analysis
LBO / Acquisition Finance
Mergers & Acquisitions


  • Invest Securities - Chargé d'affaires ECM / M&A

    2013 - maintenant
  • Asiope - Business Consultant (In-Company Project)

    2012 - 2012 Consultant for a French green technologies start-up

  • Accenture - Junior Consultant in Finance & Management

    Paris 2011 - 2012 On Behalf of a World Leading French Retailer

  • STB Manager - Financial analyst

    2009 - 2009


  • Wirtschaftsuniversität (Wien)

    Wien 2012 - 2013 Exchange semester

    Finance - Active Portfolio Management, International Finance

    Associative life : WU chor / German Tandem-Program
  • East China Normal University ECNU (Shanghai)

    Shanghai 2012 - 2012 Exchange semester

    (Innovation, Macroeconomics, Strategies, Financial Markets, Doing Business) in Emerging Markets

  • EMLyon Business School

    Paris 2010 - 2013 MSc in Management

    Finance, Stratégie - Accounting, Consolidation, Strategic & Financial Diagnosis, Advanced Companies Valuation, M&A, LBO, Financial Markets

    Associative life :
    - Participated in the "Commuz 2011" an EM Lyon / Ecole Centrale de Lyon co-organized musical.
    - Winner of the "Nouv'EM star"
  • Institut Des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (Carthage)

    Carthage 2006 - 2010 Maîtrise en Hautes Etudes Commerciales

    Mathematics, Statistics & Probability, Accounting, Financial Analysis & Modeling

    Associative life : Junior entreprise (3 years) / Music club (1 year)


Annuaire des membres :