- Tax Manager France & Controller
Guyancourt (78280)
2021 - maintenant
Responsible for the tax function at Sylvamo France and controller of the France holding entity.
Sylvamo is the world paper company, result of the spin of the printing paper operations by International Paper in 2021.
International paper
- Controller Financing & Accounting
Guyancourt (78280)
2006 - 2021
Responsible for finance, accounting and tax duties for a portfolio of 17 companies of INTERNATIONAL PAPER Group in France. This involves :
• Prepare budgets for a list of service companies and business units
• Ensure the monthly closing of the books for the reporting process
• Provide the necessary explanations on the differences noticed between actuals and budgets, ...
• Review and rectify as necessary the monthly netting proposals for the treasury activity • Organize the year-end works with the goal to close the local GAAP books and the US GAAP books according to their respective rules (focus on all
non monthly recurring activities)
• Contact person for all the outsourced tasks in the domain of accounting and finance to the external shared service center (review of the existing procedures, update and proposition of new ones etc ...)
• Contact person of the auditor Deloitte to define the calendar and organize the different audit sessions for all the sites
• Co-definition of the annual legal calendar prior to the beginning of the accounting and corporate tax returns preparation's period by harmonizing the different constraints
• Preparation of the annual accounting satements and the corporate income tax returns for all France' entities (around 17 entities)
• Preparation on a quarterly and yearly basis of the Effective Tax Rate in the frame of Tax accounting requirements (FAS 109), current and deferred tax, and all other tax compliance activity for the legal entities located in France.
• The description above is not exhaustive.
Manager of 3 direct reports on a day-to-day basis and as described above, provide the necessary guidance to the team of the outsourced shared service center that helps us achieve many of our duties.
- Chief accountant
2005 - 2005
Responsibilities ensured during this interim mission : Monthly Payroll administration, monthly preparation of the reporting (Income Statement and Balance Sheet), Annual accounts and Corporate Income tax calculation and filing, Other tax returns.
In Extenso
- Mission Head
Paris (75000)
2004 - 2004
Interim as Mission Head in the audit and accounting firm "In Extenso - a Deloitte's affiliate" located in Paris 8E, (monthly reporting in UK GAAP: cut-off preparation for all profit and loss accounts, accruals for tax and social costs etc ..., manage the tax compliance ativity : professional tax, corporate income tax, VAT, Intrastat, ..., production of the annual financial statements : balance sheet, P&L, and all related financial and tax disclosures for a portfolio of 15 companies within a variety of tax regimes (incorporated companies, unincorporated companies…).
Le Public Système
- Chief accountant
2004 - 2005
Chief Accountant at Le Public Système, a communication group listed at the second stocks exchange market of Paris, comprising 10 legal entities. Responsibilities included : cash flow management, preparation and management of the accounting schedule for the quarterly reporting, preparation of files for the financial statements auditing, ensure the annual closing of books and filing of corporate income tax returns, all other tax activities (VAT, Business tax, CIT tax consolidation, …), Team management : 6 direct reports.
Temporary Missions
- Accountant, Senior accountant
2003 - 2003
Various Interim positions in Finance and Accounting as senior accountant or accountant in start up (Mobileway SAS), in public companies (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris, Pactarim).
Cabinet Gannetier
- Assistant
2002 - 2002
Assistant in expertise : determination of the financial value of companies, commerces, in the frame of potential mergers and acquisitions.
African International Trading
- Accounting Manager
1998 - 2001
Activity of the company : Trading of cocoa, coffee with worlwide buyers. Achievements were : Creation and Installation of the Accounting department for a newly incorporated company (all modules included : general ledger, payables, receivables, cash application, cost accounting, fixed assets, payroll system...) : after analysis conducted together with the top management, acquisition of IT applications manufactured by SAGE, recruitment of 3 accountants as direct reports, books keeping, annual financial statements, issue monthly payroll with all related social charges filing, all tax compliance activity including the preparation of the corporate income tax returns, daily treasury management : follow-up of in-flows, out-flows, and forecasting ...
- Head of accounting
1997 - 1998
Activity : Trading of exotic species of wood. Responsibilities were : full bookeeping, monthly reporting to the French mother-company, ensure monthly payroll, tax filings, preparation of the annual trial balance, provide leadership to 2 direct reports ...