Mazain Koffi KOBENA
Ivorian nationality (Côte d’Ivoire)
Address 22 BP 1257 Abidjan
+225 09 26 86 86 Gsm: +225 01 06 05 88 e-mail: mkobena@yahoo.fr Age 44
Marital status: Married with 3 children
o Prospecting o Management of stock
o Management of Channels of distribution o Manager of tender
o Analyzes prices o Management of clients’ port folio
o Framing of Sales Representatives o Advice in Marketing
o Marchandising o Elaboration of marketing plan
o Market research
Rigour, Environmental studies, Good negotiator; Dynamic; Good relationship, Easy adaptable, Courageous,
Communicative, Obstinate & Demanding
OBJECTIVES: To occupy a function of Sales Manager in a large Company or a Multinational in full expansion
Sept 96-June97: BSC degree (Instec Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire))
Sept 90-June 91: MBA, in University of Abidjan
Sept 89-June 90: License de Gestion, Equivalent to Management License I University of Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)
Sept 86-Jun 87: Baccalauréat B. (Equivalent of the British Bachelor Degree (BA) with Economic expertise)
Mes compétences :
Pas de formation renseignée