I learnt early in my life that am passionate about the oil and gas industry. I always ask a lot of questions and often have my nose buried in a book, article, blog or any form of literature related to oil and gas. My passion has led me to pursue a career in Petroleum engineering. I can't be an authentic storyteller if I don't actually believe what I am talking about! I have knowledge of Reservoir engineering, well engineering, reservoir modeling, 2D & 3D seismic processing and interpretation, petroleum geology, well logging and drilling engineering. My main focus is collaboration, innovation and creating sustainable practices, am charismatic, ready to learn and yet again passionate about this industry.
I am student holder a diploma in PETROCHEMISTRY and in Exploitation in Mining,
a certificate of merit and participation in the field of Management of the HC and GA
their Exploitation, Environmental Impact and Social Economics.
Evolve in the area industrial and of searches for them of the black gold,
finished the studies secondary to the COLLEGE St. JOSEPH and holding a bachelor in Petroleum at THE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EAST AFRICA.
In the domains of the HS-C hydrocarbon.