TIGER GRIP is a dynamic & young company based in Toulouse-France. It specializes in the conception and manufacturing of safety overshoes, dedicated to many different sectors, not only for a Professional, but also for a leisure use.
After 4 years of research & development TIGER GRIP has now 4 different models in its product portfolio and is constantly preparing the future with more innovations.
Our products are recognized PPE category 2, are CE certified and go beyond the standards for a maximal safety.
We have the ambition to become the Worldwide reference of safety overshoes thanks to our innovative products unique on the market, with the priority of fast and reliable service to our customers.
After having successfully developped our distribution channel in France, we are now focusing on the export development with motivated & trustworthy partners willing to share our values and make the difference on their respective markets.
Have a look at what we do onArray
We will be participating in the international safety fair ASSE in Dallas, USA from the 7th to the 10th of June 2015!
Come and meet us!
Mes compétences :
Confiance en soi
Curiosité intellectuelle