Mes compétences :
Spectrométrie de masse
Chimie analytique
Laboratoire de Recherche
Laboratoire d'analyse
Chromatographie liquide
Techniques de laboratoire
Méthodes quantitatives
Chromatographie gazeuse
Scientific Institute of Public Health (WIV-ISP), Belgium
- Scientific collaborator
2011 - maintenantScientific collaborator (2.5 years) then head (1.5 year) of the pesticides & contaminants unit
Team of 3 technicians and 1 scientist
Supervision, Development and Validation of analytical methods
- Trace detection of pesticides (scope about 450), ndl-PCBs, PAHs, PFASs in complex food matrices with GC-QQQ and LC-QQQ instruments
- Elaborate SOPs & validation folders for internal use and for external clients
Planification, Coordination and Execution of routine analysis
- Analysis of ndl-PCBs, PAHs and pesticides in food by GC-MSMS, UPLC-MSMS, HPLC-DAD
- Analysis under ISO 17025 & ISO 14001
- Internal and external audit involvement
Project manager
- Manager of the following National Reference Laboratories: Dioxins&PCBs, PAHs and Pesticides
- Co-manager for a WHO project : pesticides analysis in mother milk samples
Communication & Valorisation
- Workshops organisation in favour of Belgian official laboratories
- Scientific publications, oral and poster presentations
The mass spectrometry laboratory, University of Liege, Belgium
- Researcher
2009 - 2011Investigation of ion mobility coupled with LC-HRMS for the screening of 200 pesticides residues in food
Method development and analysis of pesticides present in fish from Wallonian rivers by liquid and gas chromatography / mass spectrometry
Structural characterization of particular DNA complexes by mass spectrometry and ion mobility spectrometry
communication of results: 2 publications
Laboratoire de spectrométrie ionique et moléculaire, Université de Lyon et CNRS
- Doctorante
2006 - 2009Structural characterization of peptides, proteins, oligossacharides and peptide/metal complexes by mass spectrometry
Mass spectrometry / laser combination
Communication of results : 10 scientific publications
Teaching at INSA (Lyon, France): chemistry lab sessions (about 300 hours)
Master thesis : development of a protein identification technique by mass spectrometry / laser combination
Communication of results : 1 scientific publication
Université Grenoble 1 Joseph Fourier (St Martin D'Heres)
St Martin D'Heres2003 - 2005Licence de Chimie, Master1 Chimie