
Laurent Andre Marc GENTILHOMME


En résumé

Je suis un intrapreneur de plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans trois fonctions principales : le Trade and Customs Compliance (compliance douanière), la totalité du spectre des responsabilités de la Supply Chain internationale ainsi que de la fabrication technologique industrielle. Mes secteurs d’activités sont l’Energie (services aux forages pétroliers) et dernièrement l’Aerospatiale. Je capitalise 15 ans d’expatriation en Amérique du Nord, en Europe et en Asie qui ont nourri mon savoir-faire et savoir être multiculturel, j’ai créé et géré plusieurs départements multisites. Mes responsabilités se nourrissent de la stratégie de mes compagnies, qui ont été structurées et organisées de plusieurs formats tel que des compagnies de services privées de premier plan, des acquisitions, des fusions et des LBOs. Les succès engendrés n’ont été possibles que grâce à une adaptation rapide de mes structures et méthodologies managériales faisant face à la réalité des changements rapides et fondamentaux de notre époque. Je complète mon savoir théorique en étant Doctorant à l’Ecole des Ponts de Paris depuis 2017. Mon sujet de Thèse gravite autour de l’efficacité des formations de nos leaders afin de générer une interactivité positive, constructive pour une harmonisation structurelle. J’ai également reçu la certification de Manager de Transition de l’Ecole Audencia de Paris en 2018. Mon projet est de proposer mon savoir-faire et savoir être d’intrapreneur international à plusieurs secteurs exploratoires dans le cadre de mes fonctions. Mon objectif est de continuer de prendre en charge des missions internationales et opérationnelles pour construire et initier avec enthousiasme la réalisation des stratégies de nos projets de changement en capitalisant les énergies positives et constructives

Mes compétences :
Direction de production
Maintenance industrielle
Canaux de distribution
SAP Material Management
Amélioration de la productivité
Management de transition
Gestion de la production
Gestion de la relation client
Amélioration continue
Bonnes Pratiques de Fabrication
Chargé de clientèle
Lean supply chain
Management international
Amélioration de process
Gaz naturel
transformation management of quality and supply ch
supplier parc management
Cost Control
managed the SLB project
global asset management
Standard Operating Procedure
Vendor Management
Managed overall operations
upgrading budget administration
ISO 900X Standard
Asset Allocation
Contract Negotiation
Precision drilling management
Structure Development
level management


  • Safran Seats - Manager appros et Logistique

    Plaisir 2020 - maintenant
  • Trigo Group - Expert Consultant & Strategic and Contractual Manager

    Nanterre 2018 - 2019 Generate business development strategies, provide various opportunities for metrology contract, and enhance overall corporate efficiency.
    Oversee the quality services of the remote client in Aerospace and Aeronautique to increase corporate efficiency. Supervise the transformation management of quality and supply chain operations. Regulate the EN9100 standards, administer customer services attitude, and implement client strategic reviews to attain optimal results. Control expenditures and supplier parc management to amplify productivity and formulate a market strategy to meet the requirements of current customers.
    Key Contributions:
    * Created several metrology contracts opportunity and increased current metrology contract by 25% Ebit in 2019.
    * Developed key performance indicator to evaluate and achieve KPI feedback.
  • Schlumberger - Trade & Customs Compliance Manager

    Paris 2015 - 2018 Established and maintained effective auditing and inspection programmes for trade compliance and balancing of revenue.
    Constructed trade and customs compliance key holder for article classification and HTC alignment process as per SLB tools. Enforced the immediate operational procedures and cataloged the customs. Conducted trainee's interviews and delivered presentation related to cost control, sanction, contract risk management, finance transactions, KPI, embargoes, and customs classification. A managed project of customs declaration classification and presented 12000 parts to 400 suppliers including ECCN, HTC code, UN codes, country of origin, and anti-dumping. Assessed the traders' compliance and led high-skilled SLB integration team.
    Key Contributions:
    * Trained and developed a high-skilled team of 600 managers to evaluate company risk, classify custom, and regulate finance transactions.
    * Generated IT platform following SOP standards.
  • Schlumberger - International Technical center Supply Chain Manager

    Paris 2012 - 2015 Ensured supply chain services and regulated international repair process to boost operational efficiency.
    Standardized the process of Geoservices and managed the SLB project. Arranged the structure of mud logging and slick line department in line with ERP standards. Liaised with staff and prepared reports to improve financial objectives as per norms of global asset management. Combined two supply chain structure into one as well as formed category and supplier management structure.
    Key Contributions:
    * Ensured timely delivery and completion of the ERP merging transformation project within budgetary.
    * Managed the warehouse operations, followed standard operating procedures, and oversaw the contract feedback of 400 suppliers.
  • Geoservices - Asia Technical Hub Manager

    Roissy en France 2010 - 2012 Managed overall operations for the delivery of technical support regarding supply chain from Europe to Asia.
    Conducted trainings regarding logistic, reporting, TCC, Budget, KPI strategy, third-party manufacturer, and inventory. Orgainsed interviews of new participants and managed recruitment procedure.
    Key Contributions:
    * Improved productivity of SLB latest IT devices and procedures.
    * Delivered quality services by upgrading budget administration.
    * Organized certification compliance for norm DNV 2.71, 2.72, and sites ISO 9001 to regulate processes.


  • Ecole Des Ponts ParisTech

    Paris 2017 - maintenant Doctorate EDBA

    Executive Doctorate in Business and Administration - subject: Leadership, company structure,
  • Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers

    Paris 1992 - 1997 Ingénieur Electronique et Informatique Industrielle

    * Electronic engineer - National Conservatory of Arts and Trade

    Other certifications:
    * How to Improve Export Compliance With effective Audits
    * Export Controls Export Compliance Training Institute
    * Internal certification, Lead Auditor - Supply Chain
    * Management 360 training, DDI, (management, finance, & marketing)
    * First aid Government Certificat


Annuaire des membres :