


En résumé

I have worked extensively in the retail industry around the world - US, UK, Belgium, Germany, France and China - for start-up and global companies. Over my last twenty years in the Corporate, where I held several positions as managing director, I spent much of my energy on people development and management.

I graduated from Paris-Dauphine University and hold an Executive MBA from HEC Paris. I was introduced to NLP during my years at the university which has lead to my strong appeal for Human Sciences. To date I pursue with Transactional Analysis training course. Influenced by my experience in China, I now practice tai chi and passionately invests in my qigong professorship. I reside in France with my wife and our four children.

I am Partner at The Resilience Institute International and co-founder of The Resilience Institute Europe with a focus on the French market. Amongst my assignments, I teach at EDHEC Business School and at Ecole Centrale.

Engaging People by Building Resilience

In a vicious spiral, disengagement in one domain often depletes other parts of our lives. Yet, engagement in a domain tends to reinforce a virtuous spiral of energy, confidence and engagement in others. Employers must get beyond the constraints and traps of "work-life balance" and find a more durable solution.

We, at THE RESILIENCE INSTITUTE, are demonstrating that Resilience is that solution to liberating human performances sustainably.

THE RESILIENCE INSTITUTE presents a global framework for companies to help their employees and their organization progress toward higher performances, supported by its practical evidenced-based integral approach to uplifting human potential.

THE RESILIENCE INSTITUTE offers consulting advice, training programs tailored to match management and employees needs. It provides, in house developed, evaluation tools to assess and monitor individual and organizational resilience.

Grounded in New Zealand in the late 90s, THE RESILIENCE INSTITUTE operates in Oceania (NZ, AU), Asia (PRC, SN) and since 2010 in Europe.

Enabling body, heart, mind and spirit

Mes compétences :
Développement durable
Emotional Intelligence
Intelligence Emotionnelle
Potentiel humain



    2010 - maintenant
  • 3 SUISSES INTERNATIONAL GROUP - Directeur acquisitions partenariats

    2008 - 2009
  • 3 Suisses Chine (Shanghai) - Directeur Général

    2005 - 2007
  • 3 Suisses Belgique ( St Brice SA) - Tournai, Belgique - Directeur Général

    2001 - 2004
  • 3 Suisses UK (Motive Ltd) - Londres, UK - Directeur Général

    1999 - 2001
  • Neckermann France - Strasbourg, France - DGA - Directeur Commercial

    1997 - 1999


Annuaire des membres :