Born in 1974, Lionel Guedj studied history and philosophy and is a self-taught film-maker. His projects include "Les Rendez-vous de la Tour-Eiffel" a book which involved taking one photograph per day during one year in front of the luminous Eiffel Tower. From Shimon Peres to Johnny Depp, Oliver Stone to Keziah Jones, Boutros Boutros Ghali to Milla Jovovich, more than 300 celebrities appeared in this photographic record of the period leading to the turn of the millennium.
In 2000, Guedj joined the press agency Corbis/Sygma and was put in charge of their music department. He serendipitously began to direct films and after a request from legendary producer Ibrahima Sylla, went to Western Africa to direct Mandekalou, Words of Memory - a film which pays tribute to the tradition of African praise-singing. In 2003, he joins the organizing team of the Silhouette short films festival, the unique outdoor short films festival in Paris. Since then he has directed many EPKs, Videos and Live shows
Guedj’s directed and produced a feature documentary “Rock’n’roll…Of Corse!” (feat. Sting, Kim Wilde, The Clash, The Bangles, The Stranglers, Jeff Beck…)
Rock’n’roll… Of Corse! was part of the Official Selection/Festival de Cannes 2010.
Lionel’s currently working on his debut narrative feature (working title: The Drumstick Syndrome :“I’m not a fucking musician, I’m a drummer !”) and a Mockumentary.
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