Dr Rossi has more than 10 years of international experience in advanced and pioneering research in fluid mechanics within prestigious institutions (Grenoble Universities, TU-Delft, Imperial College London and CEA).
Dr. Rossi research axes include nuclear engineering, the control and manipulation of complex flows (e.g. Rossi and Thibault J. Turbulence 2002, Rossi et al Phys. Rev. Lett. 2006), new concepts and strategies for sequential mixers (Rossi et al. EPL 2012, goals: improve mixing, mix gently and reduce energy costs), fundamental investigation of dynamic and flapping wings (Truppel and Rossi EiF 2011) and the development of new measurements methods (e.g. Ferrari and Rossi Exp. Fluids 2008). The potential applications of his fundamental research range from micro- to large- scales and span from bioengineering and pharmaceutical industry to aeronautics, defence and nuclear industries.
Selection of research topics covered within fluid mechanics:
• Mixing
• Flow control and manipulation
• Body forcing (e.g. Lorentz, cold plasma)
• Dynamic (flapping) wings
• Turbulent and laminar flows
• Boundary layer flows
• Generation of coherent structures
• Sand transport and dune-flow interaction.
• Magnetohydrodynamics and electromagnetism
• Multi-phase flows
Management and planning:
Supervision of more than 30 projects
Supervision of PhD students with a success rate of 100%
Drawing up of projects and management of research grants
Academic experience:
It includes Lectures in flight mechanic (UG) and experimental fluid mechanic (Msc), the supervision of more than 30 student’s project at Meng, Msc and PhD level.
External funding:
More than one million Euros have flown from Dr. Rossi’s research.
Awards and fellowships:
EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) advanced research fellowship 2006
DGA PhD fellowship 1998
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Mécanique des fluides
Contrôle d'écoulement
Mécanique des fluides expérimentale