


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Banque d'investissement
Conduite du changement
Gestion de projets


  • Société Générale - Business Process Manager

    PARIS 2010 - maintenant › SGCIB representation on Equity Industry forum to share and set up best practices on business, legal, risk and IT issues
    › Performance Management of equity deals confirmed electronically – Control KPI, FED Targets, Cost Electronic process
    › PMO Lean Six Sigma: From a root cause analysis I provide a continuous improvement → Saving 3 Millions Euros
    › Established process maps, optimisation and standardisation of controls worldwide involving various projects along the review
    › Analyse of non-electronic confirmation perimeter, prioritize client’s onboarding and assist sales with negotiation issues
  • Société Générale - Manager in Middle Office

    PARIS 2008 - 2010 › Recruited, trained, managed a team in reconciliation: 1 Front Office application and 9 Back Office for OTC Equity products
    › Change Management: Restructured team, roles, functions and work organisation of team → Staff reduction by 30%
    › Developed Dashboards and control Tools producing key performance indicators to drive the activity within the department
    › Project Management: Rebuilt reconciliation Tools from data extraction source, through the engine, to pre-quotation of breaks
  • Deutsche Bank - Manager Middel Office

    Paris 2005 - 2008 1 year Manager of a 5 people team Middle Office
    › Recruted, trainned, managed a team supporting Front Office from booking deals and during all life cycle
    › VBA Programs developpment for booking STPisation and information search in the system

    2 years Support FO, P&L et risk reporting
    › Analysed P&L, explained breaks, and produced daily risk reporting
    › Valuation intraday of trader positions and booking of derivtives Fixed Income products and hedges on Futures and Bonds
  • Citigroup - Cross Product Specialist Derivatives Documentation - Analyst

    New York 2004 - 2005 › Negotiation of Master Agreement and execution of confirmations of OTC products from Equity, Fixed Income and Credits
    › Client relationship management
    › Set up internal training on derivatives products for our back office department


Annuaire des membres :