


En résumé

I am a young researcher with a physics background and a strong interest in biology. I did several internships at the interface and have some experience of multidisciplinary environments.
I am currently doing a PhD on the biophysics of the malarial parasite egress from its host human red blood cell. I have some TA-ing science outreach project experience ("mission complémentaire d'enseignement").

Professionally, I would like to go on in basic research, although I do not exclude a R&D or engineering job. My research interests include perception, biomechanics, fluid dynamics, evolution, ecology, parasitology, and life viewed as a far from equilibrium system.

I also have an interest into education in general and teaching in particular. I do not plan teach as a main activity, but I would like to teach.

On my free time, I read, run, enjoy music, and practice contact staff. I would also hike, windsurf, ski, or go to music festivals.

Mes compétences :
FCS (Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy)
Microscopie optique
synthèse de liposomes
Communication scientifique
Analyse de données


  • Centre de Biochimie Structrale || Dynamique des Interactions Membranaires Normales et Pathologiques - Doctorant

    2014 - maintenant The core question of my PhD is how the malaria parasite (Plasmodium Falsiparum) gets out of human red blood cells. Although probably "prepared" in advance, the whole egress event takes place within a few hundreds milliseconds.

    I am interested into the the role of the cytoskeleton and the membrane, and how they interact in terms of physics during that explosive event, specifically in terms of accessing mechanical parameters of the {membrane+cytoskeleton} (such as spontaneous curvature), and into finding out what (in terms of biochemestry - lipidomics/proteomics) changes these parameters as the parasite develops.

    I am sharing my time between two labs (physics: Centre de Biochimie Structurale; and biology: Dynamique des Interactions Membranaires Normales et Pathologiques) that were already collaborating when I started.
    My work includes parasite culture, imaging, chemical and mechanical assays on both healthy and infected erythrocytes, theoretical soft matter physics, and simulation.
  • Institut Curie - étudiant stagiaire

    PARIS 5 2013 - 2013


  • Centre De Recherches Interdisiplinaires - Université Paris Descartes

    Paris 2012 - 2014 The CRI ("Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires": Center for Interdisciplinary Research) is an institution where students come from very different academic and cultural backgrounds and work on biological topics of common interest in a highly self-directed manner.
    Project-based and internship-based program. Great reaserch environment.
  • DTU (Technical University Of Denmark)

    Lyngby 2011 - 2012 M1 as an exchange student in Denmark (ERASMUS).
    Main focus on Physics, but took a few courses and projects at the borders of Biology.
    Really enjoyed the inteactive way of teaching.
    Great (multi-)cultural experience and great English skills aquisition catalyst.
  • Université Aix - Marseille III

    Marseille 2010 - 2011 B.Sc (Licence)

    General research-oriented training in Physics with a slight stress on optics.
  • Lycée Dumont D'Urville (Toulon)

    Toulon 2008 - 2010 Classes préparatoires (CPGE) au Lycée Dumont d’Urville (Toulon).
    Première année (équivalent L1): Physique, Chimie, et Sciences de l’Ingénieur (PCSI).
    Deuxième année (équivalent L2): Physique et Chimie (PC).


Annuaire des membres :