


En résumé

My motivation: to develop, launch and optimize the ramp-up of projects in the field of the Renewables until their level of optimal functioning: R&D, industrialization and life cycle assessment.

• Expertise in solar photovoltaics, thin film processing, solid state chemistry and Life Cycle Assessment.
• Life cycle assessment projects management in the field of Biofuels, Solar and Petroleum products:
- Biofuels LCA with RED, RFS2 and LCFS methodologies;
- Solar LCA with IEA-PVPS Task12 methodology;
- Bitumen and lubricants LCAs;
- Green House Gases emission evaluation with PAS 2050:2011 methodology…
- Water footprint assessment ISO 14046
• Research and Development Projects and Programs management.
• Team management

Mes compétences :
Research & Development
Team Management
Industrial processes
Project Managment
Life Cycle Assessment


  • Total - Senior Life Cycle Assessment Architect

    COURBEVOIE 2013 - maintenant Coordination of life cycle assessment projects at TOTAL New Energies division.
    Development of life cycle assessments for biotechnologies, solar PV and petroleum products (oils, fuel, lubricants, bitumen, special fluids, additives…).
    Transversal collaboration with Amyris and SunPower on Life Cycle Assessment.
    Definition of the New Energies LCA projects roadmap.
    Monitoring of LCA methodologies and regulations.
    Total representative at the technical secretary of the European Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules for Photovoltaic Electricity Generation.
    Total representative at the Sustainable Development Working Group of the European Photovoltaic Industry Association.
  • Total - Program Manager "Future PV Devices" and "Opportunities & Exploration"

    COURBEVOIE 2013 - 2013 Monitoring of the evolution of PV technologies and contribution to building up PV expertise within Total.
    Definition of the solar R&D technological roadmaps.
    Identification of necessary new partnerships, contribution to and driving the set-up of new partnerships with national or international research institutes, universities or companies.
  • Total - Thin Film Photovoltaics R&D manager

    COURBEVOIE 2008 - 2012 Direct management of 12 engineers, technicians and PhD students.
    Creation and coordination of a joint solar R&D team (39 scientists) with Ecole polytechnique in the field of thin materials and vacuum processes for high efficiency solar cells. Member of the scientific committee.
    4 Mio € annual budget management.
    Member of scientific Institut Photovoltaïque Ile de France (IPVF) team project.
    European (PhotoNVoltaics) and French (ANR projects ATOS, Polysiverre, Nathisol and FUI project LaText) research funded programs member.
    Life cycle assessment of solar technologies.
    Technical due diligences of solar photovoltaics companies.
  • Oerlikon - Thin film PVD process development engineer

    2005 - 2007 - PVD thin film process development for solar applications (heterojunction solar cells) and semi-conductor applications;
    - Process transfer from R&D to production;
    - PVD reactor optimization and qualification;
    - Installation and ramp-up of production PVD reactors on customer site (Switzerland, France).
  • Unaxis Displays division - Thin film PECVD process development engineer

    2003 - 2005 - Development and optimization of PECVD thin film deposition processes on very large surface reactors for flat panel display industry;
    - Development, tests, optimization and qualification of PECVD reactors;
    - Installations and ramp-up of industrial PECVD reactors on customers sites (Switzerland, Italy);
    - Responsible of material stability tests: development of a new test PECVD reactor, customer support;
    - Team management;
    - Project leader on new fluorinated sources for PECVD reactor cleaning.
  • Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux - PhD researcher in fluorine solid state chemistry

    1999 - 2002 PhD ressearch project with Rhodia:
    Prepartion of oxyhydroxyfluoride (Al-, Cr- and Fe-based) for heterogeneous catalysis;
    HF, F2 and spercritic CO2 fabrication process development;
    Correlation study of crystalline structure, surface morphology, thermal stability and acidic properties.


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