With a 13 years experience in the marketing and international business development management, in a multi-cultural and multi-channel environment, mainly for the food-processing industry and FMCG, I have developed a strong knowledge and know-how in :
-business unit management
-branding creation and development
-strategic business plans and related budgets
-BtoB and BtoC domestic and international network implementation and expansion
- clients needs identification
- key account customers management
- CRM action plans
- communications plans
- international sourcing
- international logisitics
- sensibility to premium and luxury products, oriented business results.
Proactive and with a strong entreprenarial spirit, I believe in new economics models where clients Xperience and human management are the key of the success.
Mes compétences :
Transport international
Direction générale
Gestion des ressources humaines
Droit des marques
Gestion financière et comptable
Administration d'entreprises
Gestion de marques
Management opérationnel
Administration des ventes
Marketing stratégique
Marketing produit
Marketing opérationnel
International business development
Prospection internationale
Marketing international
Sourcing international
Stratégie commerciale
Direction commerciale
Développement commercial
Négociation commerciale
Prospection commerciale