

Geneva 23

En résumé

Je suis un ingénieur en informatique avec expérience entreprise de 5 ans, solide expérience en Java et Oracle - technologies et des outils. Développeur indépendant accompli, ainsi que l'esprit d'équipe.


- Exigences du systèmes,
- La conception de systèmes,
- Trouver des solutions.


Base de données Oracle technologies:
- Forte expérience en PL\SQL, SQL et APEX, les requêtes de réglage,
- La programmation orientée objet en PL\SQL en utilisant les types d'objets,
- Bonne connaissance de Oracle Forms et Reports.

Technologies Java:
- JSF, JSP, Servlets, EJB,
- Frameworks: Tobago, Struts, Struts Mise en page, Printemps, Acegi, Tiles, Jasper Reports, iBATIS, Hibernate,
- Design Patterns: brouillard, J2EE,
- Serveurs: Apache Tomcat, Weblogic,
- Technique TDD: JUnit, TestNG, JMock, EasyMock, Mockito,
- Application Testing: Sélénium, JMeter.

Technologies Web:
- HTML et CSS, Java Script (jQuery).

D'autres systèmes / logiciels:
- Gestion des versions et de contrôle de version (Subversion et CVS),
- Assurance de la qualité (JIRA, Bugzilla),
- Construire des outils d'automatisation (Maven).

Si vous le souhaitez, vous pouvez me contacter via mon site privé:

Mes compétences :
Software development
Oracle APEX


  • CERN -  Software Engineer

    Geneva 23 2010 - maintenant Development of the new system for CERN radiation protection group: TREC - traceability of radioactive equipment at CERN.

    My main responsibilities are:
    - continuous contact with main application users/customers,
    - analysis and design, preparing application mockups and prototypes,
    - deciding about the technologies/frameworks being used for development (final decision PL/SQL and Oracle APEX framework),
    - preparing special “tablet friendly” application theme,
    - integration with the existing maintenance management system used at CERN (Infor EAM),
    - integration with the other systems including EDH (Electronic Document Handling system) and other equipment databases used at CERN,
    - tracing system issues,
    - preparing tasks for the others members of the team,
    - taking care about software delivery process,
    - installation/administration of the TREC terminals installed in the main accelerator complexes: LHC, SPS, PS,
    - preparation of the TREC online course/guide for the newcomers,
    - perform 3rd line application support (English and French).
  • AXA direct ,Chlodna 51, 00-867 Warszawa, Poland - PL\SQL developer

    2009 - 2010 Responsibilities:
    Implementation of the various services of the system:
    - file interface,
    - management of concurrent access to the policies,
    - providing information to external systems. Furthermore contact with French coordinators concerning software development.
  • PZU TFI, al. Jana Pawla II 24, 00-133 Warszawa, Poland - Consultant/Oracle Developer

    2009 - 2009 Responsibilities:
    - Migration to the new version of Oracle Forms and Reports
    - Implementation of the library to resolve the problems of migration
    - Tuning inefficient code fragments
  • Altkom Akademia, Chlodna 51, 00-867 Warszawa, Poland - Java and Oracle Developer

    2007 - 2010 Developing applications supporting:
    - educational services subsidized by European Union
    - insurance companies: PZU and AXA
    - human resources management
    - project management
  • Collabworx, 235 Harrison Street, Syracuse, NY 13202, USA - Developer

    2006 - 2006 Responsibilities:
    Creating a GUI in HTML and JavaScript for the Secure
    Real-Time Collaboration & Conferencing System


  • Warsaw University Of Technology (Warsaw)

    Warsaw 2003 - 2009 Master of Science in Engineering of Information

    Thesis: Unit and integration tests generation from MSC diagrams for protocols testing Gpa: 4.37
  • Warsaw University Of Technology (Warsaw)

    Warsaw 2003 - 2007 Bachelor in Engineering of Information

    Thesis: Faults injection system for TCP\IP networks


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