Mr Malek DOUIRI has Thirteen years’ experience, of which eight years in electricity transmission field of transmission line, underground cable and substation industry.
Along the 13 years he went through several positions related to Maintenance and Project management. He was always involved in network facilities Construction, Sanitation and Maintenance.
Since 2009 his predilection field has been the Electricity Transmission. He was involved in the maintenance of high and medium voltage substations (from 33kV to 400kV); the maintenance of the Transmission overhead lines, Project tendering, execution and supervision of electric transmission projects.
After 12 years of local experience, He initiated an international experience by being the resident engineer of $19 billion electricity transmission project in Lao PDR. A scope of work that starts from desing checking to work subervision and project management. An mission that mixs between Project management and technical advisory.
He has always empowred his professional experience with academic training. In addition to his master degree in mechanical engineering obtained in 2002, He also obtained in 2015 a professional master degree in management with particularly an end of study project related to ISO 55000 asset management standards. He got a certification in project management in 2014 from Tensetp academy, and a PMP certification from Project management Institute in 2016. Currently he is also following an online course related to Renewable Energy with RENAC.
Once he will complete his current project (That will happen in April 2017) Malek DOUIRI would like to be involved in the management and the execution of electricity transmission projects, anywhere worldwide with a preference of projects that integrates renewable energies.
He will be always looking forward to express himself with new challenges and new achievements .
Mes compétences :
High Voltage
Planned Maintenance
Microsoft Windows
Project management
Preventive systematic maintenance
Visual Basic 6
Staff Development and Training
Rotating Equipment
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access
Fluid Mechanics
Conditional Maintenance
Computer programming