


En résumé

Mon profile détaillé est sur LinkedInd, Marc CHAMMAS, UBIsolutions

Electrical and Electronics Engineer specialized in Computers, Softwares and Microelectronics.


-Project Management/Cost estimation/Prototyping/Manufacturing,
-PCB design & manufacturing,
-Soft developement,
-Real Time Operating Systems and OS,
-Embedded Systems,
-Digital Signal Processing techniques,


Matlab script, Simulink, Xilinx/System Generator, Altera,VHDL/Verilog, C/C++/C#, Eclipse Oracle, Java/Java for Android, Linux embedded. PIC basic/Assembly, LabView, Mobile Networks,Optical communications, PCB Design, Altium Designer.

Electronic engineering in Development & Conception

-Electronic Hardware Conception & Development, PCB Design
-Software Development under Linux embedded/Android/Windows, using Microsoft Visual, Eclipse, C++/C#, JAVA and shell under Linux.
-OS: Windows PE/Linux Ubuntu and Rapberian for raspberry pi 3. VirtualBox
-Arduino uno/ Nexus 7/Virtex 5/Sabre IMX6/
-C development for Texas Instrument MSP430xxx using Code Composer and MPlab for PIC f18,f16
-Image editing with Inc scape/Gimp. For GUI adaptation
-Stock management (Silog ERP)
-Manufacturer contact and IC's/Batteries/Screen and Embedded system hardware updates (long life rugged product guaranty)

Mes compétences :
C/C++/C#, Visual Studio
Java Android Eclipse, NDK/SDK
Android customization, Linux/Shell Ubuntu
Raspberrian, Raspberry PI 3


  • Logic Instrument - Développeur Logiciels, Développeur PCB

    Igny 2013 - 2015 Développement de Benchmark et de démonstrateur pour Tablet Android en JAVA Android/sur environnement Linux/shell, et Eclipse.

    Développement de PIC de microcontrôleur Texas Instruments en C.

    Développement en C#/C++ d'interfaces graphiques et de libraries.
  • Gemalto, Inc - DSP algorithm designer for FPGA environnement

    2011 - maintenant


  • AC'T

    Paris 2015 - 2015 Android SDK, Labwork on JAVA Android, framework description, Android structural framework. GUI and services programming under JAVA Android
  • Adeneo

    IDF 2014 - 2014 Certified Android, Android dev/env/setup/kernel/drivers/imaging
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Télécommunications

    Paris 2010 - 2012 Master of science

    Mobile and fixed networks: Knowledge in protocols and standards of Ethernet, Wifi, Wimax, Mesh, LTE, GSM/EDGE/GPRS/UMTS, RFID.

    -Software Simulation/Modelization
    -Digital modulation techniques
    -Channel coding
    -Source coding
    -Space-time coding
    -Channel estimation


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