A S Harrison
- National Account Manager
2017 - maintenant
Natural Beauty Care
- Product Development Chemist
2016 - 2017
Development of new formula from a market sample (hand wash, face mask foundation, emulsion, inverse emulsion, hot pour, tanning solution, dry soak bath…
Conduct Stability testing during three month (record of data such as pH,viscosity, colour change …)
Formula improvement from the library (adjusting pH range depending of the preservative system, method change)
Internet research for technical information
Supervising pilot batch
Troubleshooting batches or development sample.
Natural beauty care
- Laboratory Assistant
2015 - 2016
Natural Beauty Care has been manufacturing and developing personal care products for International & local customers for over 20 years.
They have formulating and manufacturing capabilities in Skin Care, Hair Care, Body Care, Cold Processed Soaps, Tanning, Spa Treatments, Baby, selected Cosmetic items, Pet Care and specialised Household products.
QA/QC Assistant (50% of the time):
- Responsible for releasing job to compounding with correct job bag (samples, previous batch sample) and ensure the batch is at the right temperature.
- QC checking (pH, viscosity, appearance, spectro/color matching, checking emulsion with microscope)
- Responsible for releasing job with the correct packing to operation and allowed the production to start filling the order.
- Maintain the job bag room updates with new packaging, new development formula.
- Check retain samples every six months
Development Chemist (50% of the time)
- Sampling development for customers
- Sample stability
- Provide solutions and options for development formula in collaboration with the account managers.
ALS environmental
- Sample Receipt Officer & Lab tech
2014 - 2015
At ALS Environmental, they provide a full range of environmental analytical testing services, specializing in the analysis of soil, sediment, water (raw, waste, drinking, catchment, recycled, saline, product), leachates, dust, air (indoor, stack, ambient), gas, biota, industrial hygiene, and radiochemistry. Analytical laboratory testing services for these matrices includes routine, trace and ultra-trace level organics (volatile and semi volatile, herbicides, pesticides, PCBs and disinfection byproducts), metals and nutrients, inorganic non-metallics, microbiological, biological, toxicological parameters, particle sizing and radionuclides.
As a sample receipt officer I am in charge of sorting and organizing the samples according to the chain of custody (COC) received, and traying them before lab analysis. I am also in charge of the report of any issues to the customer’s service (missing, extra, broken sample, checking the sample ID and seeing if its a match with the COC). I have been training to be able to complete the process from the reception of the esky to the storage by myself.
I have also been considered as a Lab tech, and been sent in the Lab for helping to extract and prepare the sample, I have been trained to work with products which may contain Asbestos (training meeting, wearing PPE).
- Marketing junior
2013 - 2013
Différenciation physico-chimique des API
- Suivi-Organisation de collecte d’échantillons concurrences
- Elaboration fiche produit spécifiques en tenant compte des résultats
- Suivi de l’évolution globale du projet
Activités annexes :
Remise à jour du catalogue de fiches techniques des produits de la BU,
Base de données des fiches techniques interne,
Création d’un livre concernant competitors mapping pour les commerciaux (B to B).
Analyse & schéma explicatif de la répartition des coûts sur un médicament (Belgique)
Création d’une présentation sur les formes sèches (comprimés, capsules) et sur les inhalateurs
Traduction de la présentation sur la cristallographie en anglais.
Rédaction de la totalité des documents en Anglais.
- Stagiaire R&D et Production
2011 - 2012
Projet : Amélioration compatibilité produit/packaging
identification du problème: le produit fabriqué en production ne s’écoule pas de son packaging
effectuer différentes formulation en laboratoire afin de comprendre s'il le problème provenait de la formule ou lors de la transposition en production.
activités annexes:
fabrication de cosmétique et de produit chimique
Analyse de produit finit (viscosité, pH ...)
Conditionnement et étiquetage.