
Marianne BOUDOY


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Project Management


  • Busch - Expert acoustique

    2019 - maintenant Expert acoustique et vibrations appliqué aux pompes à vide
  • PrestAcoustique - Consultant ingénierie acoustique

    2012 - 2019 PrestAcoustique is a sole proprietorship enterprise established by Marianne Boudoy in 2012. PrestAcoustique was offering high-tech engineering services in acoustics and acoustic project management, in the automotive exhaust system field.
  • General Electric - Acoustic expert

    Paris 2009 - 2012 - Provide transversal acoustic support to gas turbine accessories teams during all the project phases;
    - Pilot external acosutic studies (budget, planning, drive partners, presentation and share of results);
    - Propose strategic ways of improvment to reduce cost, increase performance or anticipate the market.
  • FAURECIA Emissions Control Technologies - Acoustic product expert

    Bavans 2001 - 2005 Design of the cold end (pipes and mufflers) relatively to acoustics and pressure-loss for various car manufacturers: calculations, prototypes drawings, follow up of prototypes building and of acoustic tests, subjective assessments and validation with the customer.
  • FAURECIA Emissions Control Technologies - Acoustic expert

    Bavans 2001 - 2005 - Development of calculation tools and test benches for acoustic design of mufflers.
    - Share of know-how and bring assistance to the development centers of Beaulieu (France), Stadeln (Germany), Toledo (United States) and Seoul (Korea).



Annuaire des membres :