My motto is "there is no problem, only solutions".
There is positive in each situation and I like when my creativity can express itself. Innovation is a necessity!
You will find that my profile is not so typical: I am an engineer who is flying but also with great abilities in human management and project management.
I have done a lot of things since I started to work, because I search for self-knowledge and self-development: I love new projects and new challenges!
- my double training school is a good asset to quickly adapt myself to the different environments and technical fields.
- my experience on the simulators and the aircrafts brings a "special" way of thinking: a quick analytical mind is necessary to get the maximum information in a limited-time in order to solve the problem taking into account the interactions between systems.
- I am a generalist on aircraft systems, aerodynamics and engines.
- Global strategy: taking the company in its environment is important. In ATR, I proposed and put in place the participation in international working groups in order to do some benchmarking. In Airbus, I lead the development of Flight Test tool to be more efficient in our way to deliver aircrafts to our customers.
- Anticipation is a key point: in ATR, we defended with Airbus Training our position concerning Flight Test Campaign for aircraft certified before 2003 before the publication of the new regulation to avoid a new Flight Test Campaign for old aircraft because the regulations added some tests. So an amendment was written to allow "Grand Father" law for these aircrafts. In Airbus, we prepare the future way of presenting production results to the customers.
- I adapt myself to the environment and to the interlocutors
- Decision making: especially in case of problem with time pressure and/or customers pressure. I know to define and to fix priorities.
- Leadership: I managed and work with teams (teamwork is superior to the sum of the work of each)
- I participated to YMC (Young Manager Conference) in Munich in September 2001
- I was an instructor for simulator regulations supervised by AECMA in June 2004
- I participated to EADS Women Day at the Bourget in June 2003.
- I spent 2 years in Germany.
- I participated to " 100 young females students,100 patrons " at the Bourget in June 2009.
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet