


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet


  • Total - Uganda - Seismic Environment Supervisor

    COURBEVOIE 2013 - 2014 Uganda – TOTAL E&P Uganda – 3D Seismic exploration survey

    Antea Group environment consultant, part of the on-site HSE team in charge of the supervision of the seismic survey operations, performed by BGP-CNPC, in a sensitive and isolated area within the Murchison Falls National Park including a part on the Victoria Nile.

    Intense supervision of the survey operations and proposition of technical solutions to reach environment compliance including:
    ¤ Follow-up of the enforcement of the procedures referring to the Ecology Compliance Program specially developed for the survey operations and to the chemicals transport and management.
    ¤ Development and follow-up of the implementation of the water and waste management system for the three base camps (500 persons).
    ¤ Supervision of track restoration works in sensitive areas (savannah, forest, bushy or humid area).
    ¤ Camp construction supervision and inspections.

  • International Division - Antea Group - Russia / France - Operational and technical project coordinator

    Olivet 2012 - 2013 Russia – Renault – Environmental Audit of two automotive production sites (surface > 600 ha)

    ¤ Supervision and coordination for the following thematic:
    o Waste management: Regulatory conformity assessment and visual characterization of 800 temporary waste storage points
    o Soil and groundwater pollution assessment: Field works supervision and support for data analysis (> 900 samples)
    o Noise and atmospheric air emission: Follow-up of the noise assessment campaign and audit of the internal air emissions management system (> 6 000 emission points)
    o Drinking and industrial water management: Audit of the water quality of the industrial and drinking water supplied.
    ¤ Sub-contractors supervision and management of the relationship with the Client
    ¤ Preparation of planning and project reporting
    ¤ Management and development of intern administrative procedures
  • International Division - Antea Group - Environmental Management Engineer

    2012 - maintenant Cameroon - Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the construction of a high power line - 600 km of routes, partly in tropical forest
    ¤ Rreview of the ESIA, Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and Relocation and Compensation Plan (CP)
  • International Division - Antea Group - France / Burkina Faso - Social impact assessment - Water management Engineer (intern)

    2011 - 2011 ¤ Social impact assessment of the development of small water supply system in rural area in Burkina Faso (between 10 000 and 15 000 inhabitants) and assessment of the technical management of the water supply system
  • United Nations' Human Settlement Program Nairobi Kenya & AgroParisTech Montpellier France - Water operator benchmarking - Water management Engineer (intern)

    2011 - 2011 ¤ Research work on the key factors of water utility performance in Africa, use of econometric method - Research carried out in collaboration with the Water and Sanitation Program of the World Bank
    ¤ Development of the water operators benchmarking section of the Global Water Operators' Partnerships Alliance website (UN-Habitat)
    ¤ Development of pedagogic tools for water utility benchmarking for the
    International Executive Master ‘Eau Pour Tous’ (AgroParisTech)
  • Arya Driller - Haryana - India - Environmental risk assessment - Environmental Engineer (intern)

    2010 - 2010 ¤ Report on climate change impact in Ladakh, India and inhabitant adaptation
    ¤ Co-author of the report on the geological causes of the floods occured the 5th August 2010 in Leh, Ladakh, India - Report presented during the 15th conference of the International Association of Ladakh Studies in Leh, India
  • Régie des Eaux de Grenoble - Isère - France - Water supply network maintenance - Technician

    2009 - 2009 Working with the technical team:
    ¤ Repairing and maintenance of water supply network (160 000 consumers)
  • A.LI.D.A (charity) - Ouagadougou - Burkina Faso - Water quality assessment - Technician

    2009 - 2009 Humanitarian project financed by Suez Environnement

    ¤ Physical and chemical analysis of groundwater in 8 villages
    ¤ Training about hygiene rules near borehole in 12 villages
    ¤ Training about compost methods


  • Cranfield University Global Water Policy and Management (Bedford)

    Bedford 2010 - 2011 This Master aims at developing the expertise required to solve water management issues by understanding financial, societal and institutional factors from local to international level.

    Master Group Project
    Financial analysis of water supply methods in low income urban areas
  • Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire De Montpellier (Ex-ISIM) (Montpellier)

    Montpellier 2009 - 2011 Water Sciences and Technologies

    This engineer formation provides a wide knowledge in water sciences including urban and rural hydraulic, hydrology, wastewater treatment but also ecology to form engineer technically competent in water management.


Annuaire des membres :