


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Natural Gas
Renewable energies
sustainable development



    2007 - maintenant Relations with the Chinese World in the fields of Environment / Energy / Sustainable development
    - Prospecting of the Taiwanese market for French Wind Turbine manufacturer VERGNET.
    - Advisory role on the Chinese market with Xenel-Baldery, a Canadian-Saudi Arabia joint-venture expert company specialized in the policies, project-finance, and technologies associated with green house gases reduction within the industrial and energy sectors in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries. (www.balderrie.com)
    - Industry intelligence watch on the sectors of district cooling and heating in China.
    - Facilitating actions for larger tri-generation projects involving BROAD A.C. Co.’s absorption chillers in Europe & Africa.
    - Advisory and translation mission with ASCONIT Consultants, Lyon: reception of a delegation of the PRC Ministry of Water Resources & Pearl River Water Resources Commission within the framework of a Methodological Study for Biological Monitoring of the Pearl River Basin Water Quality.
    - Advisory role on the Chinese Edition of French magazine “Psychologies” (www.psychologies.com)

    2000 - 2006 Management of commercial and business development for Broad Europe, fully owned subsidiary of China based Broad Air Conditioning, world leader in the field of absorption chillers (www.broad.com).
    - During initial phase: set up of legal framework and logistic organisation of the subsidiary.
    - Set up, managed and supported network of distributors and partners in Europe.
    - Managed relationship with strategic partner Gaz de France (French Gas Utility).
    - Occasionally: logistic organisation of expatriate after sales and technical support staff. Management of interface with French users for after sales and technical support.

    Broad Europe sales record through 2006: 150 large units (174 to 20 000 kW) and 500 smaller units (16 to 115 kW), representing an installed cooling capacity of 140MW, and a total sales turnover of 15 M Euros. Broad European market covers most of EU and ex-soviet bloc countries. Within 6 years, Broad has established portfolio of references with prestigious / global customers like: Madrid Airport, Hypermarkets Leclerc and Auchan, PSA, SAS Radisson, Holiday Inn, Ledra Marriott; BP Solar, Stateoil, EDF, Canon, Banque Populaire, Crédit Agricole, …
  • G.I.E. CHINERGAZ - Program Officer

    1995 - 2000 Groupement d’Intérêt Economique (G.I.E.) CHINERGAZ, a consortium of companies established by GAZ de FRANCE in order to promote French gas equipment manufacturers in CHINA.

    . In charge of the operational activities of the consortium:
    - Promotion in China of consortium member companies by way of organising seminars-symposia, collective participations in professional exhibitions and regular lobbying actions with Chinese gas sector parties.
    - Industry intelligence watch via specialized Chinese and international press, Internet and prospecting trips (3 months / year in China).
    - Management of local correspondents
    - Assistance in partnerships seeking and setting up of joint ventures.
    - Attending to visiting Chinese delegations in France.
    - Facilitating contacts among consortium member companies and prospecting new members.
    - Setting up and maintaining Chinergaz website.

    . In cooperation with the consulting co. ECONOMIE ET HUMANISME and FONDATION DES VILLES, French Ministry of Industry commissioned study on the Environmental Industry in Shanghai and the Lower Yangtze Area.
  • FONDATION DES VILLES Société Nouvelles - Research Officer

    1994 - 1994 Responsibilities:
    . French Ministry of Equipment (DAEI) commissioned Study on Environmental Urban Services in China (water and waste management). Three months of field surveys with interview campaigns in Beijing, Shanghai, South Jiangsu, Sichuan and Guangdong.
  • INF’EUROP - Research Officer

    1993 - 1992 Responsibilities:
    · French Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned: design, translation and editing of Chinese language documents presenting France’s Planning and Regional Action Delegation (DATAR) to a seminar on Territorial Planning & Development organised by the Council for Economic Planning & Development (CEPD) of Taiwan Government.
    · French Ministry of Foreign Affairs commissioned Study on « Regional and Town Planning in Taiwan » (2 months field survey in Taiwan).
    · Contributions to designing an international business matchmaking magazine.

    Participation to the Working Group « Action of France for Sustainable Development in the Asian-Pacific Region » (STRATASPAC), set up by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • EU COMMISSION in Bruxels - Internship

    1992 - 1992 DG XII (Sciences, Research & Development) Environnement & Non-nuclear Energies.

    Main activities:
    · Took active part in administration of European Environmental Research Program (Area III: « Social & Economic Aspects of the Environment »): selection of proposals and research contract negotiations.
    · Other activities during the internship:
    - Survey of EEC-China cooperation programs and activities in the fields of agriculture, environment and energy.
    - Participated to meetings of the Working Group on Issues in Earth Observation Data Policy.
    - Followed UNCED (Rio Summit) preparatory work within EEC Commission and Council of Ministers.

    1992 - 1992 · French Ministry of Equipment (DAEI) commissioned Study mission on Urban Development and New Towns projects in Taiwan.
    · Assisting in preparation of pre-qualification bidding documents for the planning of neighbouring areas of Taiwan High Speed Train Stations. Taiwan Ministry of Transportation and Communications.
  • FRENCH TRADE OFFICE IN TAIPEI, Taiwan - Internship as a Survey officer

    1991 - 1991 Responsibilities:
    · Market survey on the Water Sector in Taiwan, commissioned by HYDROPLAN, the Association of the French Water Industry.


Annuaire des membres :