
Mathilde NICOLAI


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Communication - Marketing


  • SOFRECO - Project Director

    CLICHY CEDEX 2013 - maintenant
  • ECLAC - United Nations. Division of Gender Affairs - Research assistant Economy and sociology

    2012 - maintenant - Collected information and conducted preliminary research on varied topics involving gender issues, (physical and economic autonomy, autonomy in decision-making) for the preparation of internal and external reports on the work of the Regional Office.
    - Assisted in the preparation process of the XII Regional Conference on women in Latin America & the Caribbean on Economic Empowerment, Gender Equality and ICT, and the 48a Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean
    - Contributed to the systematization of information provided by countries on ICT and gender policies.
    - Assistant in external and internal communication (redaction of flyers and press communiqués, communication with opinion leaders in the region
    - Assistant in the elaboration of the 2012 outcome document of the Gender Equality Observatory
    - Webmaster of the two Division's websites
  • ECLAC - UNITED NATIONS - Assistant communication and research (trainee)

    2012 - 2012 - Research assistant in economics and political fields according to the areas of the Gender division (Women and TIC, Women and international trade, Public policies for equality...)
    - Events manager: organization of the regional conferences and different reunions of the division.
    - Assistant in external and internal communication (redaction of flyers and press communiqués, communication with opinion leaders in the region
    - Statistics assistant
    - Webmaster
  • Guakismo Prod - Assistante manager

    2011 - 2012 -Communication strategy for event management: Concerts, tours, conferences, political seminaries
    - Project management : Concert hall booking, logistics, transportation, agenda, budget and accommodation.
    - Requirement about meeting deadlines and funds limits
  • Le Petit Journal Santiago Chili - Journalist webmaster

    2009 - 2010 - Interviews, writing articles about the economic and political situation of Chile. Art and culture reviews
    - Website management
    - Fund raising: Looking for selling commercial space in the media

  • EnlacePro - Secrétaire de direction

    2009 - 2011 - In charge of the production of two musical bands in Chile ( concert hall booking, budget elaboration, communication strategy)
    - Design and construction of the company website
    - Event management: planification and management of important cultural events ( Celebration of the French celebration of the 14th of july, seminars, conferences)
    -Translation (french, english, spanish)
    - Production of a documentary about Victor Auclair, a french architect (research about his work, contact with potential helpful persons to guide our work)


  • Université Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris)

    Paris 2011 - 2012 Business studies and foreign affairs, Institut des Hautes Etudes sur l'Amérique Latine

    South America, economics, marketing - Masters 2 content: Strategies of International Projection in LATAM, Country Risk, Microfinance, Project Management, International Law, Economics of Development, Transatlantic Triangle, Strategy of negotiation
    Thesis "Unpaid domestic work and the importance of its quantification in South America"
  • Sciences Po Aix

    Aix En Provence 2006 - 2012 Culture & Society

    Sociology - Masters 1 content: Globalized economics, Sociology, International law, History of international relations, Microeconomics, Methodology for Sociological investigation
    Thesis "The Opus Dei and the education in Chile"


Annuaire des membres :