


En résumé

In the strategy and management consultancy division of Capgemini Consulting Telecom & Media, I focus in the areas of strategic marketing & offer design, distribution channel and operator launch. Examples of work done include the following:

- For a telecommunication operator in Japan, I lead research project on initiatives to enter new markets. I oversaw and conducted studies on fixed-mobile and IP convergence, 4G and alternative business models.
- For a mobile operator, I recommended B2B business model, pricing and sales pitch for public transportation companies on contactless mobile technology for ticketing (NFC mobile).
- For a mobile operator in the Middle-East, I defined market entry strategy (WiMax), designed broadband internet offer and modeled pricing.
- Internet and mobile operator in Europe, I designed and launched convergent offers tailored for local European markets, bundling fixed voice, mobile, broadband internet and TV services.
- For an Internet operator, I forecasted market growth and modeled profitability to assess the opportunity to enter emerging market of computer-related services for residential clients.
- For an Internet and mobile operator, I oversaw and wrote rewards framework for salesmen and retailers in a merger context.


  • Capgemini Consulting Telecom & Media - Senior Consultant

    Paris 2004 - maintenant Fields of intervention: strategy, strategic marketing & offer design, organisation & operational performance, technology strategy and distribution channel.

    Countries of intervention: Europe, Middle-East and Japan.
  • SGAM Private Equity - Analyst

    2003 - 2003 Conducted overall investment studies which leaded to two investments from SGAM: entrepreneurs interviews, strategic analysis, business plan and due diligence.
  • Stratorg - Consultant

    2002 - 2002 Contributed to profitability analysis, costs reduction and business plan project in the automotive industry.



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