
Matthieu BOIDIN


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Management


  • CANYON BIcycles Gmhb - Quality Engineer

    2013 - maintenant
  • Btwin Oxylane group, CHINA, Shanghai - China Bike Product Engineer and Quality Leader

    2012 - 2013 Supplier Quality Leader:
    - Audit the supplier quality system and coach the improvement
    - Manage the quality control process including inspection part
    - Ensure the implementation of new products (lead the industrialization, create the inspection sheet and quality follow up)

    Product Engineer:
    - Lead the development of the Local range and ensure the production in supplier side (between commercial department and suppliers)
    - Define the technical specifications (Standard and Norms, assembling requirements, BOM,...)
    - Ensure the feasibility, safety (homologation process), price and lead time
  • Btwin Oxylane group, CHINA, Shanghai - Bike Product Engineer Duplication

    2010 - 2012 - Schedule & lead the international bike range development
    (30 projects/year, from the Market request to the Product shipping)
    - Lead an international and multi skill team
    - Ensure the delivery schedule and the pricing (with buyer analysis)
    - Guaranty the quality and safety product according to EN Standard
    - Valid the prototype and the industrial product
  • Decathlon, FRANCE, Bailleul - Sales assistant Decathlon - bikes, accessories, clothing

    2009 - 2009 - Manage the Bike store department extension (Define the staffing and schedule)
    - Prepare the department Store ready to sell (sticking, bike preparation, Spare part…)
    - Daily customer relationship
  • Alstom, Carbonne Lorraine, FRANCE, Lille - Internship Test Engineer

    2009 - 2009 - Study the project's profitability (quotation Study, investment)
    - Create the test protocols: Methods, schedules, technical validation from expert department
    - Analyze results between Mechanical tests and Software on the current testing machines
  • Btwin Oxylane group FRANCE, Lille - Trekking bike Product Manager junior

    2008 - 2009 - Study the European trekking bike market - Understand customer needs
    - Coordinate project and component engineer / retail supplier / designer / communication & merchandising manager
    - Develop newspaper and store advertising around sponsor events



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