Mes compétences :
Recherche et Développement
Gestion de projet
Centre for Psychiatry and Neuroscience (CPN), INSERM U894 unit
- Internship: Laboratory research assistant
2013 - 2014Team "Pain, Stress and Neurovegetative Adaptations"
Mission: Study of the effects of an antidepressant on neuropathic rats
- Nerve ligation in rat (neuropathic pain model)
- Behavioral and pharmacological assessments
- Mechanistic studies (biochemical and immunohistochemical)
Human HepCell
- Internship: engineer assistant
2012 - 2013Mission: Development of a protocol for the cryopreservation of primary human hepatocytes
- Hepatocytes cryopreservation and thawing
- Primary cell culture
- Study of enzymatic metabolism
Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences Inserm U 836 - Team Physiopathology of the Cytoskeleton
- Internship: Laboratory research assistant
2012 - 2012Mission: Yeast functional analysis of tubulin mutations associated with tubulin-related brain malformations disorders
- Construction of biological tools
- Haploid and diploid yeast strains transformation
- Phenotypic and dynamic study of cell strains
Véolia Eau Ile-de-France
- Student job
2011 - 2011Laboratory of Edmond Pépin water purification plant
Paris2013 - 2014Master Degree in Cellular and Integrated Neuroscience
This is a specialization of the master's degree of Integrative Biology and Physiology.
Neuroscience is a vast disciplinary field with major stakes are at play, both at the fundamental level and in terms of its multiple applications (for example in the health field).
Research & Development - SUP’BIOTECH is an engineering school located in the Paris metropolitan area and specialized in the different fields of Biotechnology (health, pharmaceuticals, food-processing innovation, cosmetics, bioinformatics, and environment).
It provides an innovative course taught over five years after the high school diploma.
Paris Descartes University, Paris V (Paris)
Paris2008 - 2010Studies of Medicine: First Year Medical School