


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Indesign et Photoshop


  • Édition

  • Kobo Inc. - Manager, Conversion services

    2013 - maintenant
  • Amazon - Technical Account Manager - Kindle

    Clichy 2012 - 2013 - Responsible for enabling a seamless operational flow of Kindle book content and metadata through the digital supply chain, from publishers and content providers all the way through to Kindle book customers
    - Direct daily contact with publishers and work side-by-side with internal business teams to acquire and ingest content for the Kindle store, including training, onboarding, coordinating, trouble-shooting, file creation and submission, content ingestion, technical support, and quality
    - Provide daily technical support (analyse and bug fixing) for publishers and conversion houses on issues such as data transmission, XML, ONIX, FTP, images, metadata, digital file formats, eBook conversion and content ingestion portals specific to Amazon
    - Support of publishers migration to a new data ingestion system
    - Support of the internal conversion for high profile children, cooking and comic book titles for the Kindle Fire launch in France
  • Digital Divide Data - EBook Service Line Manager

    2012 - 2012 In charge of all eBooks projects across offices (Laos, Cambodia...)

    - Improve processes and tools for the service line
    - Contribute to estimates for new project requests when needed, support solutions development for assessing workflow, tools, and best practices
    - Coordinate hiring and training for project expansion plans with project managers, HR and IT
    - Contribute to incentive plan development and performance measures
    - Create project plans and schedules with milestones and timelines; implement project plan; provide current updates and monitor project status
    - Manage client expectations and communicate with all stakeholders throughout the project
    - Manage job workflow, resource and task allocation to the team
    - Maintain appropriate change control and tracking procedures
    - Provide training to the team leaders and operators for projects
    - Provide support to the operation staff training and development program
    - Initiate invoices with accounting department on given billing cycle
    - Coordinate efforts with sub-contractors as needed
  • Digital Divide Data - EBook Project Manager in Laos

    2012 - 2012
  • Asiatype - Datagrafix - Project leader in Manila

    2010 - 2011 Chef de projets pour le marché français
    - coordination entre la clientèle et la production
    - contrôle qualité de la production prépresse et numérique
    - élaboration de cahiers des charges pour l’adaptation de
    contenu vers le numérique (epub enrichi, application mobile...)

    - Lead and coordination of cross-department projects (Print and Web) regarding XML analysis and conversion, composition and editorial services, artwork conversion, page design and templating, creation of indexes, layout and creation of printer-ready PDF
    - Development of the digital service line (ePub, Kindle, Apps)
    - Production of the first french enhanced ePub
    - Contribute to the productivity increase in Print department by assessing processes (suppress time-wasting tasks, improve management of tasks assignement, upgrade operators computers, training...)
    - Customer relationship management and quotation of new projects
  • Asiatype - Datagrafix - Chargée de projets multimédia à Paris

    2010 - 2010 - Liaison avec les clients éditeurs et la production basée aux Philippines
    - Contrôle qualité de la production pré-presse
    - Élaboration de cahiers des charges pour l'adaptation de contenu vers le numérique
    - Coordination et mise en place du pôle de production numérique avec l'équipe IT
    - Veille technologique pour l'édition multiplateforme

    In charge of digital development (regular and enhanced epub...), coordination with the production team based in Manila (daily use of English for translation of guidelines and quality control of outputs), customer relationship management for both printed and digital books (French customers & products).
  • Editions Aubanel - Stagiaire attachée au service de presse

    2008 - 2008 Stage de 3 mois
    Rédaction des communiqués de presse, mise à jour de la revue de presse, relations avec les journalistes et les auteurs.
  • MobiLire (édition numérique) - Responsable éditoriale

    2008 - 2010 CDD de 6 mois
    Responsable éditoriale du contenu et de la gestion des équipes pour la librairie BD de Bouygues Telecom, relations avec les éditeurs (Harlequin, Casterman, Gérard de Villiers…), gestion de la librairie MobiLire pour le Roman sur iPhone, création des plannings de production et définition des lignes éditoriales à suivre pour l’équipe infographique, rédaction des descriptifs iTunes…

    Contrat d'apprentissage de 12 mois
    Responsable éditoriale (choix et vérification de l’adaptation des contenus), relations avec les partenaires économiques et les éditeurs, test des applications pour téléphones mobiles (petits terminaux, smartphones et iPhones), travail actif sur les projets Roman et Tourisme (rédaction de cahier des charges, propositions de sous-projets), organisation du Salon du Livre, contact Presse, veille concurrentielle…

    In charge of the editorial aspect (validation of the content, production planning, redaction of books of specifications for new projects and user’s manuals, relation with publishers (Harlequin, Casterman...), in charge of the novels library MobiLire on iPhone and of the comics library distributed by Bouygues Telecom (3rd mobile operator in France)...
  • Editions du Papyrus (publications juridiques et orthophoniques) - Stagiaire attachée au service éditorial

    2007 - 2008 Stage de 5 mois
    Préparation de copies, relecture, intégration des corrections, relation avec les auteurs, mise en page.



Annuaire des membres :