


En résumé


Je m'appelle Maxime Gautier, et je viens d'être diplômé d'un Master Marketing et Stratégie de l'École Supérieure de Gestion IAE de l'université de Poitiers, ainsi que d'un Diplôme Universitaire Euro-Asie de l'Université de Nanchang en Chine.

Je suis actuellement Marketing Manager à Shanghai dans une entreprise chinoise. Mes principales activités étant pour cette entreprise, la mise en place de la stratégie marketing internationale pour les produits Reifeng, et la négociation, communication, plans de lancement, sont mes principaux domaines de compétences.

Je suis apte à prospecter de nouveaux marchés, mettre en œuvre les actions commerciales/marketing et d'animation des ventes. Homme de terrain, je sais entretenir de façon intensive un réseau de fournisseurs et organiser des actions de communication, en adéquation avec la stratégie marketing. De plus, mon expérience de Chef de Projet Marketing pour Maped, m'a permit de me professionnaliser dans l'achat, le commerce, la distribution, et de connaître l'industrie, le design, le packaging, la fabrication, ainsi que le respect des délais, la qualité et la logistique.

Je suis à la recherche de nouvelles expériences, de nouveaux challenges, C'est pour cela que je me porte candidat pour un poste de China Marketing/Management/Project Manager, poste a redéfinir ensemble en fonction de nos attentes respectives.

Je réside actuellement en Chine à Shanghai, et reste à votre disposition pour convenir d'une rencontre.

Maxime Gautier

Mes compétences :
Chef de produit
Chef de projet
Import Export
Logistique achat
Marketing management


  • Recherche un VIE - Chef de Projet

    maintenant Mes domaines de compétences:
    - Chef de Produit/Projet
    - Marketing, Management, Logistique, Achat
  • ADDITIONAL SKILLS - Languages and IT competences

    maintenant French: Mother tongue
    English: Fluent, 17 weeks in England
    Spanish: Basic knowledge
    Mandarin: Basics (Learning in process)

    - Mastering of computer science and software use, installation, networking, etc.
    - Office-pack (word, excel, PowerPoint, access, Visio), statistical software (SPSS)
    _ ERP (Mfg-Pro and AS400)

    Supplier/Production/Quality management, PDCA, APQP, SWOT

    Job placements in the catering and on the industry, waiter and receptionist for a hotel in England

    2008 - maintenant - In charge of organising all marketing events, including exhibitions, wine tasting,
    - improvment of the marketing tools such as brochure, flyers, catalogue, Xboard...
    - Collaborate with sales director to develop and implement marketing strategies, in order to help to enhance company image and sales channels,
    - Gain competitive advantage over competitors,
    - Work with the sales team to sell our products in CHR channels.
  • SUZHOU MAPED Stationery Manufacturer, Shanghai, China - Product Developer

    2007 - 2007 Supports the Marketing development efforts under the supervision of the Marketing Manager and manage projects from the idea to the commercialization:

    - Developed 25 new “back to school” Products
    - Define/analyze qualitative and quantitative market surveys – competitors watch
    - Provide Marketing specifications for the product, approve artworks and designs, creation of packaging
    - Profitability of the project, investment (mould and tools), margin, raw materials and finished products
    - Propose launch plans as well as promotional material: communication, merchandising, product sheets, displays

    - Managed 3 employees: communicate, conduct, supervise, inform them regarding project advancements
    - Team work with the Chinese Project Manager in order to define the technical files, communication in English
    - Followed-up with suppliers regarding new product development
    - Regulated workloads and tasks according to priorities, establishment of schedules

    - Management of the obsolete components before new mould replacement
    - Liquidated excess stocks by creating new commercial packages and promotions
    - Optimized logistic in inner/master carton: for shipment, for distributors, volume control
  • Head Quarter of LA MACIF, Deux-Sevres (79), France - Project Manager Assistant

    2006 - 2006 Assist the Commercial & Communication Department in order to implant a new communication, which has been defined by the group, for the booth during « le Mondial de l’automobile 2006 Paris », World Wild Car Exhibition Paris:

    - Team work to define the animation for the booth, according to the new strategy: car and ecology
    - Organisation of the « Soirées VIP »: group’s partners meeting, including catering and reception
    - Management of the relation with the press, organisation of the « National daily newspaper week-end »

    - Inquiries, Negotiation and Purchase BtoB, advertising gadgets, guest gifts …
    - Responsible for result and budject
    - Weekly feedback with the Project Manager
  • GEANT Hypermarket, Poitiers (86), France - Cost Accounting Assistant

    2004 - 2004 Make an Analysis of the productivity in order to validate a new time slot implanted 1 year ago:

    - Analyses and interpretations of the results
    - Initiation « Cost Killer », reduction of current consumption costs (electricity, water, scraps…)
    - Proposition of a new time slot project
  • CREDIT AGRICOLE (French Bank), Deux-Sèvres (79) France - Seller Assistant

    2003 - 2003 Promote the electronics purse « MONEO » to the final customers (BtoC):

    - Result in volume, Target overpass by 150% result
    - Feedback to the General Manager



Annuaire des membres :