


En résumé

Mehdi began his career in the manufacturing industry. He joined the Moroccan Business Association (similar to “MEDEF” for France) as General Secretary in 2007 and was promoted as Chief Executive of the organization in 2008. He received from his Majesty Mohammed VI, King of Morocco, the insignia of “Chevalier de l’Ordre du Mérite”, for his contribution in the defintion of the Moroccan industrial stategy « Plan National pour l’Emergence Industrielle ».
As CEO of Medi Business Jet, he restructured the company, wich became the safest jet company in Morocco. From 2010 to 2015, Mehdi has been putting into practice his knowledge of the competitive issues of the Small and medium-sized enterprises .
At Eurosearch & Associés, Mehdi brings his expertise to support the development of SME’s.
Specialties: Executive search, Corporate development, Mergers & acquisition, Corporate Governance, Organization of Management Structure


  • Eurosearch & Associés - Partner

    Paris 2015 - maintenant For nearly 50 years, Eurosearch & Associés, has been supporting its customers in France and internationally over the long term to meet their main challenges: growth, transformation, managerial succession or crisis.

    Specialization by sectors

    Management Resource Consulting:
    - recruitment of senior executives and top level experts
    - interim executives
    - leadership consulting

    Founding member of the international network ECI group
    Member of the AESC and the FNMT

  • MY Partners - Directeur Général

    Paris 2012 - maintenant Le Maroc s’est engagé, depuis des années, dans un processus d’ouverture progressif sur l’économie mondiale.
    Vision 2010, Emergence, Maroc Vert , Halieutis , Stratégie Logistique, ces plans ont pour objectif d’accélérer la croissance des secteurs prioritaires, potentiellement porteurs de croissance et de compétitivité pour le pays dans le court et moyen terme. En particulier, ces Plans ont retenu un certain nombre de métiers à forte valeur ajoutée, comme faisant partie des secteurs susceptibles d’attirer des investissements directs étrangers, car capitalisant au mieux sur les avantages compétitifs du Maroc.
    MY Partners s'inscrit dans cette vision et accompagne les investisseurs intéressés par ces opportunités.
    Nos missions :
    A. Accompagnement des investisseurs dans la structuration et la réalisation de leurs projets
    Nous interviendrons pour :
    -Accompagner dans les démarches d’investissement et de développement
    -Faciliter et garantir le meilleur contact avec l’ensemble des partenaires,
    B. Conseil en management et organisation
    MY Partners interviendra ans l’alignement stratégique de leurs organisations afin de mettre en place une organisation à la hauteur des ambitions stratégiques et business
    Notre démarche en 3 temps :
    1.Analyser et prendre en compte la Vision stratégique de l’entreprise
    2.Définir les principes directeurs de l’organisation cible et proposer des scénarii organisationnels sur la base d’une déclinaison de la vision stratégique
    3.Disposer d’une feuille de route claire et pragmatique pour la mise en œuvre de l’organisation cible
    •Représentation de marques et placement sur le marché local et africain
    •Mise en relation avec des prestataires, experts et banques / fonds d’investissement
    •Mise en relation entre porteurs de projets et investisseurs
    •Facilitation des procédures administratives
    •Aide à l’obtention des incitations publiques et mise en relation entre l’investisseur et les départements ministériels concernés
  • MEDI BUSINESS JET - Directeur Général

    2010 - 2012 MEDI BUSINESS JET est la première compagnie d’aviation d’affaire au Maroc à exploiter une flotte moderne.

    Notre base d’exploitation est située sur la plate forme aéroportuaire de Casablanca. Nous opérons des vols au départ de tous les aéroports du Maroc à destination de toute de l’Europe, l’Afrique du nord, ainsi que l’Afrique de l’Ouest.

    Nous proposons des avions de qualité pour de grands groupes marocains, des multinationales, des célébrités et des clients privés
  • CGEM - Directeur Délégué

    2007 - 2010 The CGEM is a private organisation currently funded, owned and managed entirely by companies within manufacturing, trade and service industry.

    Our mission
    CGEM aims to provide the best possible working conditions for Companies in Morocco.

    Our organisation
    CGEM's membership currently comprises private enterprises within manufacturing and services covering virtually all sub-sectors.

    A number of sectoral employers' associations and branch federations exist within CGEM's framework, being integrated in part or in full in CGEM.

    Moreover, the members of CGEM in each county constitute a regional federation dealing with regional policy as well as educational issues.

    CGEM's activities could be categorised as follows:

    Policy advocacy - at local, national, and international level

    Membership services - information, advisory services, and consulting
    Network relations - between members and with society at large
  • Groupe Holfint - Directeur Financier

    2003 - 2007 HOLFINT GROUP (Paper & Tissue Industry)
    Chief Financial Officer
    - Set-up of a holding structure: creation of the holding company, initiated and supervised the legal and fiscal aspects of the project.

    - Responsible for the treasury management of 8 companies of the Group :
    o Setting of an overall treasury strategy
    o Cash Management (daily cash positions)
    o Evaluation of accounts receivable performance
    o Management of payables
    o Short-term liquidity management (cash flow forecasting)
    o Management of financial risk: establishment of risk strategies using risk instruments such as various derivatives instruments
    o Foreign exchange management
    o Optimization of currency positions
    o Responsible for managing bank relations

    - Developed a new accounting procedures manual

    - Preparation of the financial statements for the 8 subsidies of the Group as well as consolidation of all such financial statements

    - Preparation of the budget and forecasts of the 8 subsidies of the Group.

    - Approve all expenditures.

    - Participated in the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of one of the subsidies of the Group:
    o Prepared a three-year business plan;
    o Restructured the company;
    o Worked as the key contact of the investment bank in charge of the IPO process.

    - Management of several transverse projects (such as the modernization of warehouses):
    o Assessment of impacts of such projects on the Group’s profitability;
    o Preparation of a budget with the identification of all costs ;
    o Project scope management: measurement of completion against both requirements and plan.

    - Supervision of a team composed of 13 employees:
    o Hired 10 of them,
    o Plan their professional development (professional training and carrier development),
    o Perform annual assessments for each one of them

    - Member of the following committees :
    o Risk Management Committee,
    o Executive Committee,
    o Purchases Committee.

    2001 - 2003 Program Management : Monitored the launching of the company
    - Participated in a working group of 10 persons responsible for 8 main projects: Preparation of the offer, Definition of a distribution strategy, Customer services activities, Information systems, Services, Communication, Steering Committee.
    o Coordination between different initiatives.
    o Periodic reporting to senior management and timely escalation of issues identified and problems encountered.
    o Problem solving.
    o Preparation of several monitoring reports for the Steering Committee.
    - Contributed to the following:
    o The offer: definition of a pricing strategy (price list and fee structure), positioning of the company, identification of a target market.
    o Distribution Strategy: identification of the distribution channels, establishment of sales objectives, merchandising.
    o Definition of client servicing policy.


Annuaire des membres :