
Mélaine KENMOÉ


En résumé

- A dynamic profile, results oriented with a positive attitude
- Supporting the recruiters in sourcing the best talents in commodity trading
- Passionate about basketball, Thai boxing and travels

My story brought me from marketing and sales to recruitment, from South-West France to Thailand, where I lived two years, and finally to Switzerland. My professional experiences always put me in contact with clients at an international level, helping me to develop a high level of relational skills together with a results oriented and creative mindset. Working at Ampersand World as Talent Acquisition Specialist was the best choice for me to gather all my skills and experiences in a single position!

Ampersand World is the business partner dedicated to the world of commodity trading. A company that has built a network of experts in its field, and that is growing by offering a real experience to all its stakeholders: companies looking for new talents, as well as experts seeking a new challenge. An international environment, daily contacts with professionals and a variety of missions: a great challenge to pursue my career path!

As Junior Talent Acquisition Specialist, I have multiple roles: supporting recruiters in sourcing the talents, but also in the writing and the broadcasting of their job offers. Establishing sustainable and efficient contacts with the best talents, proposing them an “experience” through Ampersand World. You can contact me on mk@ampersandworld.ch.

Mes compétences :
Adobe Indesign


  • Sunco Brokering & Services S.A - Back Office Manager

    2016 - maintenant
  • Ampersand World - Junior Talent Acquisition Specialist

    2015 - 2016 Ampersand World is the Business Partner for commodity trading actors who want to find the best talents in the market and to train them at best, building powerful teams. We are in the heart of International Trading Business (Commodity Trading, Trade Finance, Shipping, Supply Chain, …), connecting the people who are making this world so exciting, developing a great community, and finding the best ways for skills to be increased and used into it… with a great passion, a high level of expertise and a challenging spirit.

    - Managing and keeping the jobs platform updated
    - Orienting talents through recruitment processes
    - Providing a valuable candidate experience
    - Managing international conferences partnerships
    - Providing the right information to incoming contacts

    2014 - 2015 Incubateur d'entreprises, Conseils aux entreprises,
    * Commercialisation : prospection B to B, conduite de projets d'entrepreneurs ;
    * Animer et développer le réseau de partenariat ;
    * Mise en place de la stratégie de vente et reporting

    2013 - 2014
    SA Ifalpes, Enseignement du FLE,
    Lancement de l'activité annexe IFALPES à Genève en partenariat avec l'école IPAC Design Genève
    * Commercialisation : auprès des communautés étrangères de Genève ;
    * Communication : conception et réalisation de flyers, réunion d'informations ;
    * Marketing : veille concurrentielle, gestion des retours-attentes clients

    2008 - 2011 SARL Groupe Garona, Promoteur Immobilier, Blagnac 31
    * Commercialisation : vente de villas, représentante auprès des CE ;
    * Communication : conception et gestion des publicités, démarchage annonceurs ;
    * Marketing : études de marché et veille concurrentielle, amélioration des services ;
    * Technique : étude de faisabilité, exécution de plans techniques

    2007 - 2007 Conseils techniques et SAV clients francophones, anglais et espagnols
  • Cartonajes Rakosnik - ASSISTANTE MARKETING

    2007 - 2007 Réalisation étude de marché du Bag-in-Box : étude de consommation pour le packaging du vin en France
    stage fin d'études

    2006 - 2008 Domaine de Montesquiou, Viticulteur, Monein 64 - Stage
    Exporter un produit régional pour pénétrer le marché belge
    * Etude du marché belge : habitude de consommation, réseau de distribution, diagnostic export ;
    * Commercialisation et suivi de mission


  • IPAC

    Annecy 2013 - 2015 Master of Business Administration

    Développement Commercial & Entrepreneurial - Annecy/ Genève
  • Thai Walen School (Phuket)

    Phuket 2012 - 2013

    Toulouse 2009 - 2010 Diplôme Supérieur Européen

    Licence Pro DEESMA (Diplôme Supérieur Européen d'Etudes Marketing)
  • Lycée Marie Curie

    Tarbes 2006 - 2008 BTS Commerce International
Annuaire des membres :