Ecole de Formation du Barreau (EFB)
- Formateur
2013 - maintenant
Formation des élèves avocats à la procédure civile
Barreau de Paris
- Formateur
2011 - maintenant
Formateur au RPVA
Centrale Pékin
- Professeur de droit
2009 - maintenant
Cours de droit comparé de la PI Europe-Chine
Loyer & Abello
- Associé gérant
2003 - maintenant
Law firm registered at the Paris bar
Industrial property (patents, trade marks, industrial designs)
Literary and artistic property (copyright, software rights)
Criminal counterfeiting cases
Unfair competition
Technology transfer
LOYER & ABELLO is a multidisciplinary law firm: it combines the scientific and legal skills of lawyers and engineers. Three of its members are engineers, European Patent Attorneys and lawyers.
Centre D'Études Internationales De La Propriété Intellectuelle (CEIPI)
- Enseignant
1999 - maintenant
Encadrement de travaux pratiques de rédaction de revendications de brevet
Cabinet Peuscet
- Directeur Général
1997 - 2003
French & European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney
Ecole Centrale Paris
- Professeur de droit
1996 - maintenant
Teaching IP Law
Management of all the Law courses (Labor law, IT law, Corporate Law, Contract law, Chinese law, European Union Law, Criminal law, Common law, Competition law)
Cabinet Weinstein
- Conseil en propriété industrielle
1993 - 1997
Cabinet Nony
- Ingénieur brevet
1992 - 1993