English version below
Michel Kalika est professeur émérite à l’iaelyon School of Management, centre de recherche Magellan, Université Jean Moulin.
Il a créé le Business Science Institute, organisation sans but lucratif, développant un Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) pour des managers au plan international.
Il est aussi le concepteur et le co-directeur de la méthodologie BSIS (Business School Impact System) d’évaluation des impacts des Business Schools et expert auprès de la FNEGE et de l’EFMD.
Auteur ou co-auteur de plus de 25 ouvrages (dont l’ouvrage français de stratégie le plus réédité) et de nombreux articles et cas pédagogiques, il a aussi fait soutenir 58 thèses de doctorat. Ses travaux de recherche les plus récents portent sur la superposition des médias de communication (théorie du millefeuille), la surcharge informationnelle et l’impact des Business schools.
Michel Kalika is Emeritus Professor of Management at the iaelyon School of Management, Magellan Research Center, University Jean Moulin.
He is the founder of the Business Science Institute, a non-profit organization for the development of an Executive Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) for managers at an international scale.
Developer & co-director of the BSIS methodology (Business School Impact System), an impact assessment of Business Schools, he is an expert for the FNEGE and EFMD as well as the Chairman of the Scientific Council of the ICD.
Author or co-author of over 25 books (including the most republished French book about strategy) and numerous articles and pedagogical cases, he has supervised 57 doctoral theses. His most recent research focuses on the superposition of communication media (« Millefeuille » Theory), information overload, and the impact of Business Schools.
Mes compétences :
Enseignement universitaire