Many may think that the Software development is a pure technical activity that just requires to know a list of programing language. This may be true when prototyping something at home or resolving a theoretical exercise at school. The reality of the business is more complicated.
Software development has become essential for the success of most of the challenge in the modern industry. It needs to be adapted to the business model, follow a process of development that guaranty its quality, comply with the legal ecosystem ruled by the licenses, prevent patent infringement, it has to be efficient, easy to change, maintain and improve. It is actually the living piece of technology that constantly adapt itself to the business, technical and legal environment.
Underestimating the Software development complexity is a common mistake that can put an end to many promising initiatives. On the other hand a good understanding of the synergies that lies with the software development will leverage the productivity and the creativity that will end up with a more efficient outcome that initially thought.
The Software management requires a strategy, some experience and a view on how the business and technical environment will evolve. It also require a team of people that work together invent and execute the plan to achieve this goal.
A team is not a team of robot executing a script, they have their own ideas, and view on how things should be done, each one has his temper and own motivation. Those differences may be seen as a obstacles to the collaboration and the synergy of the team. Those are actually opportunities to find a better way to work, brainstorm and invent things that no one would have been able to figure out individually.
I have 16 years of experience of software development in the various industry (consumer electronics, cellular, automotive, STB, DTV, gaming, PC etc). I'm passionated about my job, I enjoy software development, I love innovating and new challenges.
Mes compétences :
Traitement du Signal
Architecture logicielle
Programmation orientée objet
Support commercial
Support technique
Développement Android