Mes compétences :
Business development
Biologie moléculaire
Marketing opérationnel
Marketing stratégique
Stratégie de communication
Études marketing
- Assistante Business Development
2013 - maintenant- Etudes marketing
- Création et gestion de bases de données KOL
- Veille concurrentielle, scientifique et technologique
- Stratégie de communication (newsletter, site internet, stratégie SEO)
Aires thérapeutiques : biologie moléculaire, immunologie, virologie, infectieux, oncologie, neurologie, diabète, etc.
- Etudiant chercheur
PARIS2011 - 2012Mise au point d'une technique de séquençage au GS Junior afin d'exclure les gènes impliqués dans la Maladie de Parkinson/
Next Generation Sequencing technique to identify genetic variability in Parkinson's Disease.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most frequent neurodegenerative disorders whose etiology is still unclear. It is however thought that environmental and genetic factors can influence one’s risk to develop the disease. Over the past fifteen years, genetic studies have permitted the identification of at least 8 validated genes and over 18 PD-related (PARK) loci in autosomal dominant and recessive forms of Parkinsonism.
In 2005, Roche with 454 Life Sciences manufactured the first next-generation sequencer, the GS20. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) consists in massively-parallel sequencing, leading to the production of millions of sequences at once. This is a breakthrough in genetics, as it beats traditional sequencing methods in terms of cost, time and coverage.
The goal of my internship was to use the GS Junior system, manufactured by Roche in 2010, to sequence the α-synuclein gene (SNCA), an autosomal dominant gene; the PTEN-induced putative kinase 1(PINK1), DJ-1 and Parkin genes (autosomal recessive genes) in 18 patients selected among 140 index cases presenting with early-onset PD (EO PD) who need to be exluded for known genes in order to later identify new genes. 2 positive controls with known mutations were added to verify our method. Next-generation sequencing methods might prove useful to identify all variations in known PD genes, improve gene testing techniques and provide laboratories with quicker, affordable sequencing with high throughput and coverage.
Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Intégratives (INCI)
- Etudiant chercheur
2010 - 2011Etude d'un modèle murin de douleur neuropathique/
Study of a murine model of neuropathic pain.
Marketing du médicament,
Etudes de marché pharmaceutique,
Négociation commerciale,
Réglementations françaises et européennes (market access médicaments et dispositifs médicaux),
Mémoire : Outils de marketing que peut utiliser une PME afin d'accèder à de nouveaux marchés.