Organisation Mondiale de la Santé; OMS Genève
- Group Leader, Economiste de la santé
2002 - maintenant
• Group leader. Senior Health economist at the Immunizations, vaccines and biological Department leading a group working on vaccine procurement, immunization financing and impact of globalization on immunizations and vaccines. Organize training activities, provide technical assistance and support regions and countries on costing, planning, and financing activities related to vaccines and immunization programmes. Member of the GAVI Immunization task team and the GAVI Health System Strengthening Task team advising GAVI on global policies and processes, developing guidelines and tools and providing support to regions and countries in the areas of immunization planning, costing, financing and health system development and strengthening
AEDES, Bruxelles
- Conseiller Technique Principal
2000 - 2002
Experience in Morocco with AEDES, Brussels
• Senior Technical Adviser on Health Sector Reform and Financing in Morocco at the Ministry of Health level. Team Leader of European Union project in Morocco from August 2000 to present. This involves :
- Providing overall technical direction and management of technical work for short and medium term technical assistance at national and regional levels for programs, applied research, training, and information dissemination for a $22 million US global health sector reform project with 20 staff.
- Develop practical operational plans, select appropriate indicators for measuring performance, determine appropriate methodology for implementation, close consultation with local and national authorities.
- Developing project technical strategies, identify health reform issues for collaboration between Ministry oh Health, Ministry of Finance, EU and other donors,
- Leading efforts to develop health sector reform performance and evaluation indicators.
- Directing and reviewing broad range of technical studies, topics, training publications, and technical assistance in health policy, health financing, management, and service delivery
- Supervising and supporting field work of local teams.
- Organizing training activities on health financing and management,
- Coordinating efforts between Ministry of Health, European Commission, Technical
assistance and local teams.
ABT Associates, Bethesda, MD , USA
- Senior Health Economist
1998 - 2000
Experience with Abt Associates Inc. Bethesda, USA.
Senior Health Economist. Partnerships for Health Reform Project (PHR)
Immunization Financing Study: General task: leading PHR’s Special Initiative on Financing and Sustainability issues for childhood immunization programs. This involved
Designing, preparing and managing the country case studies;
Reviewing a technical report on Immunization Financing issues in developing countries;
Coordinating the implementation of 4 country case studies;
Managing the staff involved (technical and support);
Serving as the principal investigator for two studies and organizing the synthesis:
Data collection and data analysis,
Coordinating with the MoH and local counterparts,
Presenting and discussing results and conclusions
Giving advice and technical support to MoH and other partners on Immunization Financing Policy.
Participating as technical support to the GAVI task force on Financing
Capacity building and Training on Health Economics: General task: Designing, conducting and managing a regional course and activities on Health Economics for policy makers and managers at the regional level in North African countries in coordination with RESSMA (Regional Network on Health Economics and Systems) and WHO-EMRO.
This involved:
Designing the content and the structure of the course;
Informing potential participants and sponsors;
Coordinate with USAID, WHO and other sponsors and partners;
Working with the MoHs and Regional authorities for designating participants;
Contacting local lecturers and facilitators;
Managing the practical and logistic arrangements;
Providing lectures, case studies and exercises;
Evaluating participant satisfaction and knowledge gained; and
Organizing training follow-up and networking activities with WHO and RESSMA
Centre International de l'Enfance, CIE/CIDEF, Paris
- Chef de département
1989 - 1998
February 1990-september 1998: Health economist and Head of Department at the International Children’s Centre (ICC/CIE-CIDEF), Paris, France:
Specific duties included guide overall program management and technical work. Represent CIE/CIDEF. Develop overall Department strategy, perform technical quality control, manage staff, participate in selection of technical and research teams, choice of technical methods, and selection of countries in which to work, organize dissemination activities. Conduct key policy dialogue assignments and assessment trips. Organize inter-Agencies and multi-donor workshops to build consensus, set objectives and choose options. Country work in West Africa, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco, Latin America, East Asia, Europe.
• Director of Training Activities at international and regional levels in Europe, West Africa, Middle East, North Africa and Latin America. The most important was the Annual international course on health economics developed in Paris during 8 years. Other regional training activities on economics of vaccine and drugs, district health systems, planning and evaluation were conducted in Quito, Cairo, Rabat, Ho Chi Min City, Boston, Cotonou and Dakar.
• Coordinator of Applied research Activities: Principal investigator for major applied research activities. This includes project design, develop methods; recruit, guide, and oversee national research teams; conduct research; write reports; and disseminate results.
Examples of applied researches conducted:
- Research project “Analysis of the experience with central stores for essential drugs and medical supplies under the Bamako Initiative in Africa” financed by WHO/DAP.
- Study on “Indigence and Access to Health Care in Sub-Saharan Africa” financed by GTZ Eschborn, Germany.
- Multidisciplinary research project “Economic impact of AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa’ financed by the European Union.
- Multi-countries research project “Hospital and Child Health in Africa’, funded by the French cooperation.
- International Study on “The consequences of GATT agreements on the Pharmaceutical Sector of North African Countries: Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria”, funded by the EU.
Evaluation of Child Health Programs, Cost Recovery project, Primary Health Care programs and Health Financing Plans in different countries (Egypt, Tunisia, Vietnam, Guinea, Mali, Cote d’Ivoire, Benin, Morocco, Ecuador, Congo, Algeria…). Specific duties included project design, program assessment, analysis of the current situation, recommendations about directions for reforms.
• Technical assistance and Comparative analysis of National Health Financing Policies and Reforms: Specific duties include: design of survey instruments, Conduct national-level data analysis and policy dialogue, conduct of policy workshops, develop overall technical implementation strategy, report preparation.
• Consultant : Experience with WHO-HQ and EMRO, UNICEF-NY, UNDP, World Bank, Abt Associates Inc., GTZ, DSE, EU. Specific duties on project evaluation, training of health managers, workshops with policy makers, technical assistance, data analysis, synthesis and reports, field visits, design of new projects.
ENSP de Rennes et faculté d'économie de Grenoble
- Enseignant chercheur en économie de la santé
1984 - 1990
1984-1990 Assistant Professor
• Department of Economics, Grenoble, France
• National Institute of Public Health, Rennes, France
Specific duties: teaching and research in Economics, health economics and international economic development
Université d'Oran
- Enseignant
1978 - 1984
Institute of Economics, University of Oran : teaching and research in Economics, health economics and international economic development
ONIMET (Organisme national de medecine du travail)
- Chef de département planification et évaluation
1977 - 1980
Office National de l’Emploi
- Chargé de mission
1973 - 1974