"I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do." -Leonardo Da Vinci
Well I couldn't agree more! I too think that "willing is not enough" and that we must "do"..
After many years of studies, I decided to take a new path. I wondered for a long time what would be best for my future and I was destined to do in my life ? Finally, I figured out that what's best for me is what I love to do, which is also in my case what I'm good at : seeking change, helping people and spreading happiness.
That is the reason I chose to study innovation.
Thanks to this option offered by my engineering school, I am now capable of thinking outside the box and empathising with people to adjust either a service or a product to their needs and demands. I learned to be open to listen to others, to work in a group, to be well organized and a lot more..
Now that I have knowledge in the field of innovation, I'm seeking professional experiences that allows me to expand my knowledge and achieve my professional project of becoming an innovation manager.
In order to make my dreams come true, I am willing to work hard, to take criticism and constantly better myself .
Mes compétences :
Microsoft Office
Gestion de projet
Community management
Conception de produit
Organisation du travail
Veille concurrentielle
Veille technologique
Propriété intellectuelle
Travail en équipe